Husband diagnosed in April, resection in July, more tumors in Dec

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Husband diagnosed in April, resection in July, more tumors in Dec

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    mbjones….welcome to our site. From what I have been told tumor of unknown primary often times preceeds the diagnoses of Cholangiocarcinoma. This is a difficult cancer to detect. Although, scans and other imagining procedures are indispensable in the diagnoses of this disease, the true extent of this disease can be evaluated only during surgery.
    The swelling of his abdomen may be related to ascities (accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity) or, as Lainy has mentioned it may be a results of the previous chemotherapy treatments. Only your physician is able to determine the exact cause. Diuretics or, a paracentesis (draining of fluid) frequently are used for therapeutic reasons.
    It is my opinion also to search out other physicians “very” familiar with this cancer. Treatments may not differ from what is being ordered presently however, you would want to be sure of that.
    This site offers extensive information regarding this cancer including, the first hand knowledge shared by our members. You will receive tons of support and advice. In order to increase your knowledge you might also want to peruse the numerous links and please, ask your questions freely. We are all in this together. I am so sorry that you had to find us, but I am so glad that you are here.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Mbjones,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined us all as you will get a load of support and help from us all. And I’m sorry to hear that your husband is going through a tough time right now.

    My dad never had surgery or chemo so I can’t share his experiences of that with you but I know that others will be able to do so. Have you spoken with your husbands doctors about ascites as that could be the reason for his swelling around his stomach and also his legs and feet. My dad had this and was given diuretics for it. If you use the search function here on the site and type in swelling or ascites, that will throw up many discussion about this subject. And here is a link that may be of use to you.

    I hope that you will keep coming back here and let us know how your husband is getting on, and please feel free to ask any questions and we will all do what we can to help answer them.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Thanks Lainy. I was very glad I stumbled on this site. Feeling helpless since its such strange diagnosis without a primary. He is being treated in Indianapolis at the Community North Cancer Center. Thanks again


    Dear MBJONES, welcome to our wonderful family! My husband had a Whipple Surgery so everything was different for him. I wanted to welcome you to our site and I am sure someone will chime in soon with some answers for you. I am very sorry to hear what is happening. Can you tell us where he is being treated? I assume the swelling is from the Chemo? We are are big here on getting 2nd and 3rd opinions from other doctors. If you go for another opinion make sure he has treated other CC patients. You have come to the right place here and feel free to ask, vent and advise.


    My husband was diagnosed with cholangicarcinoma (with unknown primary) in April 2010. He had a softball size tumor removed in July of the same year. 5 months later a CT scan revealed “several” small tumors. The only option was chemo. Chemo did nothing the first time except make him violently ill with trips to the hospital after each treatment. He just finished his second round and they have stopped treatment. He’s put on 20lbs in 2 weeks (all in his stomache area). His legs and feet have minimal swelling.

    Has anyone had a similar occurance?

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