Husband diagnosed w/ metastatic CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Husband diagnosed w/ metastatic CC

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    According to my personal research, PSC demonstrates itself to be a high risk factor for CC. Also, this will become apparent, when perusing postings of other members. Unfortunately, there is as far as I know no early detection for this cancer. It always amazes me to see how many otherwise healthy people (in many instances runners) are afflicted with this cancer. Don


    Hi, Jeff,

    Thanks so much for your response. Nine years offers a beacon of hope.
    It is such a help to know we are not alone in this fight.



    Sue … Sorry to hear about your husband’s surgery results. This sight has been extremely helpful and supportive for me. Many members have and are trying different types of treatments. Any questions don’t hesitate to post or use the search. My only option at this time is chemo and radiation. I’ve been going at it just over the nine year mark last month. Keep faith and hope.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hello to all. I am glad to find this site – this is a frightening cancer.

    My husband has a long history of PSC – primary sclerosing cholangitis,
    which I’m sure most of you know is an autoimmune disease of the bile
    ducts. The whole time, though, he has been asymptomatic, and has enjoyed
    a normal life, including working and running.

    Fast track to two years ago. A routine scan of his liver showed that
    his gall bladder looked odd. On removal, they found gallbladder cancer.
    Surgeons went back in for a partial liver resection, followed by nine months of chemo (Gemzar and Xelota) and radiation. Throughout it all, he was
    able to work.

    That nightmare seemed to have passed until last October when his CA19-9 started rising. A tumor in the liver showed up on a CAT scan last month. This past Monday, they tried a liver resection, but on opening him up found the
    CC cancer had spread to the lymph nodes, so they did nothing – just
    stapled him back together and said chemo offers the best chance
    of prolonging life.

    So that’s where we are. It is surreal – two days before surgery, my
    husband ran 8 miles, and now this.

    My heart goes out to everyone on this list facing similar situations.
    This is quite a curve ball.

    Best to all.

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