Husbands CA19-9

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    Hi Shel, the CA-19 does not mean that much alone as other factors have to be measured in to the numbers. I believe it can also mean an infection. I agree with Pam that you just keep calling until they let you talk to the Doctor. So many Doctors offices seem to be that way lately. Example, I started with a new GI in November who told me to come back in February. When I tried to make an appointment I was told that there books were not that far in advance for appointments and that they would call me. Did you get a call from them? Me neither.
    Just be aggressive! Best of luck.


    Thank you Pam. I’m trying to call the doctors office but I always end up talking to a nurse. Very frustrating sometimes.


    Hi Shel,

    If you are concerned about this then call and ask to speak to your husband’s doctor. My daughter’s doctor is always available to answer any question we may have. It will give you more peace of mind to hear what he thinks. Some people really swear by the CA19-9 test. It doesn’t seem to be that reliable in my daughter’s case and I don’t pay much attention to it. But you seem to be really upset and stressed by this, so I feel a call is in order. I know Lauren’s doctor doesn’t have a second to sit down when he is with patients. Your husband’s doctor is probably the same. So it might be wise for you to bring it to his attention and see what he thinks. I hope you get some peace of mind. All the best.



    My husbands been doing really well. He had a few side affects from the cisplatin, feet tingling and some hear loss. He has been off it for a little over a month now. Just taking gemzar. His CA19-9 even come down to 70 when it was tested 3 weeks ago. Now just last Friday they checked the tumor marker and it jumped to 98 but all the other liver tests were normal. I don’t know if its a reason to be worried but I am. I’m afraid that if all liver levels were normal and the tumor marker is starting to go up does it mean that the cancer could be else where? The tumor marker had been on a steady decline so I’m not sure what to make of this. We weren’t scheduled to see the doctor for another 3 weeks. I had just called on the results. You would think the doctor would call.

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