Husbands cc

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Husbands cc

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    Theresa….welcome. Has variceal ligation, or banding of been recommended?
    How is your husband fairing with the parencenteses? Please, continue to reach out to us. We care and we are in this together.


    Les its quite alright…not a problem! Thanks to you all for welcoming me. Dennis’ cc is at stage 4 with mestatis to hi liver and lungs. We found out after a nasty cough back in Dec.2010 He’s had an endoscopy done every six weeks since Oct due too esophageal varices. He’s also had two parencenteces due to fluid on his stomach. I’ve lea rned alot from you all. Thanks again!


    Hi Les,

    Log on. Click on Discussion Boards. Then click on Introductions. At the top of page under Introductions it will say Post New Topic. Click on that and you can add your Introduction. Can’t wait to meet you!!



    Good morning. I am not certain how to introduce oneself?
    Teresa, you obviously figured it out. I have not been an active participant for that reason; however, I have come to realize we all share in one thing, unfortunately. Presetly at MDAnderson with wife, Sarah. I won’t go into til someone can tell me I am going about this without infringing on Teresa’s space. I do have some questions I am certain this group may be able to help with. Please advise??


    Hi Teresa,

    Welcome to the family that no one wants to belong. My husband also has ICC. We live in Virginia so you’re not that far away. You will find a lot of support and love from this site and tons of information. Sending lots of good wishes your way, PeggyP


    Welcome! Sorry you had to find us. We started to go to Nashville for treatment. Where are yall from? We live in Huntsville AL.
    We are here for you! If you ever want to chat my email is


    Hi Teresa,

    I just wanted to say welcome to the family. I am sorry that your husband has CC, but glad you found us. I will always be here to listen to you and comment if I have an answer. Take care and know you are among friends.



    Hi Teresa and welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to come. You are so right in that this is the most awesome site! People from all over the world, Patients and Caretakers taking their time to show love and support for others when they themselves have this monstrous burden.
    Can you tell us a little more about your Husband’s CC? Now you don’t have to lurk anymore! Please visit often and keep us updated on his progress. We truly care!


    Teresa-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor and will be 3 years cancer free on May 24, 2012, there is HOPE. I look forward to hearing your story and about Vanderbilt and there care for CC. We have a summer spot on Kentucky Lake and lots of Tennessee neighbors, so we have great respect for Vanderbilt. Please feell free to ask any questions and vent any frustration you are among a special group of family and friends.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hi Teresa,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your husband. But I’m glad that you have joined in with us all as you have come to the right place for support and help, and you will get tons of both from everyone here!

    Thats great that you have de-lurked as it were! We are a very friendly bunch as I’m sure that you will have realised by now by lurking here! Feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will do our best to answer them. We can’t promise to have all the answers, but we’ll do our best to help! We are glad that you are able to post now, and I’m looking forward to hearing more from you. Please let us know how everything goes for your husband.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Hi…just now posting but have been lurking for a while. What awesome courageous folks you all are! My husband was diagnosed Jan 2011. He’s being treated at Vanderbilt in Nashville. I’m glad I’m here now and able to post. I’ve learned alot about this disease and I hope the best for all of you.


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