
Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Hypercalcemia

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    highstress…….I am not a physician and everything mentioned by me must be confirmed by a physicians, but I recall some postings re: the relationship of rash and blockage of the bile ducts. Some were prescribed Ursidol to increase bile flow, but again, this needs to be discussed with the physician. Stage IV disease encompasses varied disease expressions, hence I would make sure to speak with the doctor. Please keep us posted, we care.


    Hello, gosh, so sorry to hear all this but have not heard of this. Teddy had a rash once but it was from radiation. If you go to the top of the page to search and enter any word or a couple of words that you want help on, quite a few posts will pop up about that subject, hopefully. Wishing you and your Dad the best of luck and please keep us posted.


    My dad has now developed a rash on his back within the last 24 hours. Any thoughts about that? He hasn’t started chemo. He’s headed to the doctor to get an infusion for the high calcium levels right now.


    Hello friends.
    I’m wondering if any one else has issues with high calcium levels. The only symptom my dad had leading up to his diagnosis was weight loss. When he went for a check up his calcium levels were elevated and he was sent to the er where they did lots of tests and then diagnosed him with CC. The elevated levels make him cloudy, irritable and just out of it. They gave him an infusion and brought them down a little which did help tremendously. Unfortunately, they are elevated again about a month later. He goes in again tomorrow for another infusion. What I read is its considered a medical emergency for cancer patients. What is your experience or knowledge on the subject?

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