Hypoxia Inducible Factor Expression in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

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    dear Gavin,
    which test should i do for hypoxia inducible factor, to know if my dad is positive or negative??my dad a resection 3 month ago he is on gemzar as monotherapy
    and is doing well until now, he will have MRI scan in 1 month hope that eberything will be find and that there will be any reccurence hopefully,if you have any help about the disease i would like to listen from you



    I learn a lot about the Scotland kilt from the web sits you suggested.
    I can understand it will be very hot especially the kilt made with the famous Scotland wool.
    BTW,I Love the wool sweaters from Scotland;boy, are they nice to wear in winter time.(well even as I speak,it is 96F in Chicago-hot hot hot) .
    Thanks for your info.
    God bless.


    Hi Percy,

    Ha! Scotland man dresses, you are of course reffering to our national outfit, the kilt which I have worn before when I was the best man at my friends wedding. They weigh a ton and are very hot when you wear the full outfit! The bells and strings you refer to are what we call the Sporran, andf when I wore mine I had a silver St Andrews cross as the “stirng” for mine. A few links for you, Scottish Kilt


    When you wear the kilt, you have a Sgian-dubh in your right sock. For pronounciation purposes, say Skian Doo! This is basically a small dagger which was a very handy thing for a Scotsman to carry back here in Scotland hundreds of years ago!


    I will indeed say hi to my mum from you. Wish that we were enjoying the same 90f temps that you have in Chicago, today it is about 60f or so here in Dundee, our summer sucks! And I knew that Mama Lainy would be able to top your Chi temps!!

    Hi Lainy, 110f, well that is too hot for me!!!! Can’t even begin to think what that must feel like when you are going about your everyday daily stuff in that heat! Maybe I should be happy for my 60f……Thats great that your little brother is coming in to see you, I hope that you both will have a great time. And seeing as you will be eating out every night, I won’t have to tell you to take it easy with all of the cooking and stuff!!! I know it’s not football season yet, but seeing as you mentioned Chicago and Milwaukee just thought I would say…Go Bears!!! Am confident this year!!!

    Hugs to you both,



    PCL & Gavin, it is 110 today and my brother is arriving in 1 hour from Chattanooga! He comes in every summer for a week. He came yearly to see Mom who passed in January at 94! So I thought the summer trips would stop but now he is coming to see me! I am the oldest he is 3 years younger. I heard tell from Teddy before he passed that “Barry” told him he will always take care of me. Nice and comforting! I don’t have to even plan anything as he stays at the Hyatt Resort in Scottsdale and we eat out every night.
    PCL: I wanted to mention to you that I am from the suburb of Chicago, Milwaukee. Originally Kanasa City, Mo but lived in Milwaukee 35 years, so you see were were neighbors!


    Where have you been yesterday?
    shopping for those Scotland man dresses ? I am so dump,I forget the name of it.
    and why sometimes I see a couple bells and strings on them,Is that means you are in the higher up positions or work for the Queen?
    Just wants to say hi to you and cheat a bit.
    Please make sure you say hi to your mom for me.
    It is hot in Chicago (near 90F)but of course,compare to Lainy there,she will say PCL, you should not complaint and that is Mama Lainy’s order. it is 110F here.
    God bless.


    Hypoxia Inducible Factor Expression in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma


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