I am brand new

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! I am brand new

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  • #59085

    Welcome ccactive!

    Sorry you had the need to find this site but you will get a giant outpouring of love and support here, as well as information and input from those who have or are experiencing whatever you are experiencing.

    Don’t be intimidated by the technology. Spelling, grammar, even full sentences do not matter. Your story is important and we are waiting to hear it and support you.



    Dear CC active, WELCOME to our extraordinary family! Your computer skills look just fine, you will get used to us! We are sort of an odd lot here made up of people the world over who care and love more than others I have ever seen. We love and cheer for words like surgery, chemo and trials. We are also very interested in hearing your story, you never know when one is going to come out with an idea to help the other. As for CC do as much reading up on it as you can as knowledge is the most powerful tool. Looking forward to hearing more about you!


    I’m glad I found this site since cc is so rare. I will post my description of what I have and my unusual approach to dealing with it as my computer skills permit.

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