i am new this is of my mom who has cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! i am new this is of my mom who has cholangiocarcinoma

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    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. At least they are able to keep her comfortable. As a patient, I think that is one of our fears. As a Mom myself and a victim of this awful cancer also I can tell you how much my children mean to me. I know that your Mom knows how much you love her and that you are there with her. Just be with your Mom during this time and try to enjoy every moment. I love it when my kids will bring up things from the past that we’ve done and we get a chance to remember them. I’ll keep you and your Mom in my prayers.
    God Bless,



    Welcome. I am glad that you have found this site. I too am sorry to hear about your Mom. Just being there for her and making sure she is not in pain is the best you can do for her right now. Know that you are not alone. We are all here for you if you need to talk, ask questions or just vent. Everyone here is so helpful and caring. Come back as often as you need to. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family.



    Dear Peanut, we are so very sorry to hear about your mom. The important thing for now is that she is not in pain. The biggest problem with CC is that it sneaks up on you and a lot of people are diagnosed too late. There is nothing more you can do for her than you have already done by being a loving child and being by her side through this nightmare of a journey. She knows how you feel, really she does and now is the time to just let her know you are still by her side. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your mom and your family.


    my mom went to the emgency roon the day before thanksgiving 2008 because she was jandiance. they found a mass in her bile duct. she went had a liver biopsy done and in jan 2009 we learn that she had cholangiocarcinoma. in march of 2009 she began chemo she has had 3 round of chemo and after each on she has been in the hospital because of a infection in her urine . she has been very weak and in july 2009 we learn that the cancer has spred to the rest of her body. they say it is in her liver, her kidneys, her heart and is pushing up her luings causing her esophogus to be squeezed shut. she is in a nursing home and she is in no pain the doctors have told us that she has 2 weeks left or less.. this is hard for me because I don’t know what to do anymore . this is my mom and i am very close with her. my mom had stents put into her bile ducts to drain the bile from her liver she had them put in jan 2009

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