I can hardly believe it myself!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working I can hardly believe it myself!

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  • #33193

    Fantastic news Suzanne!



    Hi Suzanne,

    Somehow I missed your original post. I too am so happy for you and hope things keep going well for you. All my best to you & your family.



    Hello Suzanne,

    I’m so happy to hear your good news. I was diagnosed 11/08 and have had a resection as well as 2 treatments of Therashpere. I go 12/18 for a CT scan and then see the Dr. on 12/22 to see what the treatments have done. I’m sure I will still have to be on some form of chemo. What were your side affects ofFOLFOX6? I have not heard of that. Did you lose your hair? I have been on gemzar but not in combo with cisplatin.

    One thing for sure, the anxiety and waiting for the next text result are torture. How does one relax???

    My prayers are with you. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday.

    Suzannegm wrote:
    Well, I haven’t posted in a while but I do want to share my good news, hopefully it will be good information for others on this site.

    I found out today, with amazement, that there are no active tumors in my liver! As I type it, I can hardly believe it! To get to this point, I have had a liver resection in February, multiple rounds of cisplatin/gemzar, radioembolization in August of this year (which is now considered a success), and 3 rounds of FOLFOX6 chemotherapy. There is no 100% way to know if one or the other did the trick or if it’s a combination of both. I will continue with the FOLFOX chemo until, well I don’t know yet. But I will get another PET scan in 3 months.

    I just want everyone to know that there is definitely hope to be had. I know this doesn’t mean I’m cured but maybe I can relax a bit and enjoy, really enjoy, my life without as much anxiety and worry as I have had for the last year (my husband and family too!).

    This site means so much to me, and gave me hope when I needed it the most, and continues to give me so much knowledge and support. I only hope that I can give back as much as I’ve received.

    Keep hope!


    Hello Suzanne,

    I’m so happy to hear your good news. I was diagnosed 11/08 and have had a resection as well as 2 treatments of Therashpere. I go 12/18 for a CT scan and then see the Dr. on 12/22 to see what the treatments have done. I’m sure I will still have to be on some form of chemo. What were your side affects ofFOLFOX6? I have not heard of that. Did you lose your hair? I have been on gemzar but not in combo with cisplatin.

    One thing for sure, the anxiety and waiting for the next text result are torture. How does one relax???

    My prayers are with you. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday.

    Suzannegm wrote:
    Well, I haven’t posted in a while but I do want to share my good news, hopefully it will be good information for others on this site.

    I found out today, with amazement, that there are no active tumors in my liver! As I type it, I can hardly believe it! To get to this point, I have had a liver resection in February, multiple rounds of cisplatin/gemzar, radioembolization in August of this year (which is now considered a success), and 3 rounds of FOLFOX6 chemotherapy. There is no 100% way to know if one or the other did the trick or if it’s a combination of both. I will continue with the FOLFOX chemo until, well I don’t know yet. But I will get another PET scan in 3 months.

    I just want everyone to know that there is definitely hope to be had. I know this doesn’t mean I’m cured but maybe I can relax a bit and enjoy, really enjoy, my life without as much anxiety and worry as I have had for the last year (my husband and family too!).

    This site means so much to me, and gave me hope when I needed it the most, and continues to give me so much knowledge and support. I only hope that I can give back as much as I’ve received.

    Keep hope!


    I am new to the board, and don’t know you at all, but I am so truly happy for you.
    Feel great and looking forward to hearing more wonderful news from you in the future.
    Best Wishes,


    JNorm, Thank you for a wonderful encouraging post especially at this time of year. My best to both of you. Happy Thanksgiving. Darla


    Thank you, JNorm!! My very best to you & your wife.


    Dear JNORM, what an absolutely wonderful post and how fitting for the week of Thanksgiving. This is the kind of post that we love to see as it gives hope and encouragement to everyone. Have a stupendous Holiday. Stop in anytime.


    I have never written on a message board before. But with the coming Thanksgiving holiday, I offer this single post as a testimony to my thankfullness.

    In January, 2007, my wife, my whole reason for living, my soulmate…was diagnosed with intrahepatic CC. She was 42 then. This happened in a small hospital in Wheeling, WV. We transferred her to the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. Unbelievable care there. A surgeon who appeared young enough to be our son was assigned to her case. To him I will be forever thankful.

    I had done all of the internet research. I had viewed all of the grim statistics. I had held her hand and encouraged her all that I could. I suffered the pain that many of you now feel.

    Long story short….9 hours of liver resection surgery and 2 years & 9 months later, she is healthy and cancer free. I can barely believe it myself. And her? Well…..it’s strange, really…..cancer is not even a thought. It’s as though it never happened. In fact, we have to almost remind ourselves what we’ve been through.

    I cannot pray enough for all of you who’s lives are touched by this madness. Please know, though, that there is hope. There is light to be sought. Do not give up for yourselves or your loved ones. Love those who are dear to you today, for tomorrow is uncertain.


    i think sue also had a hernia surgery


    Yes, Suzanne. My husband had a hernia repair and I remember Peter talking about it also. Both were substantial in size and both were successful surgeries.
    Best wishes,


    Thanks to everyone for all your great responses and support! My plan is to continue with chemo but hopefully in Feb or March stop chemo long enough to have my hernia operated on. I call it my “alien”. It’s so huge I had to get a girdle type garment to keep people from running and screaming in the other direction hoping nothing will pop out and get them! (sounds gross right?) Has anyone else had a large hernia operated on with success?



    Great news!! Have a wonderful Thanksgving



    That’s SOOOOO wonderful, Suzanne – thank you, thank you for telling us. It gives me hope!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Julia x


    Wonderful news! Makes for a great holiday!!! Keep it coming!

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