I can’t believe I’m here

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! I can’t believe I’m here

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  • #85591

    Dear Christian,
    I also want to welcome you to this site and am sorry to hear of your mom’s diagnosis. I like her attitude of wanting to make the most of everyday but can definitely understand the days when the thoughts of “Let’s just get this over with” come in……it is a day to day, hour to hour journey. Prayers for both of you….Melinda


    Welcome to this wonderful group of supporters. I am so sorry you had to find us.


    Thank you all so much for the welcome, and sharing your experiences, successes, and losses. It’s great to have a place to come and learn, and discuss, where one doesn’t have to have their “sunshine” face on all the time.

    Duke, I am so glad to hear of your success with chemo so far, and hope the new treatment continues to be successful! In our case, unfortunately, it seems chemo would be too much of a risk on mum, so she has chosen to let things run their course. Mum’s stance on it all waffles between “I am going to make the most out of the time I have” and “let’s just get this over and done with”, depending on the day. So far, she’s pain free, and for that I am beyond grateful. She’s always been the upbeat positive one in the family, so luckily that side wins most often.

    I’m going to do my best to keep the other thread I started updated, and I hope that someday someone new in my shoes can look at that and feel the same comfort I receive in reading your journeys.

    Thank you all again,

    – Christian


    Christian –

    I was diagnosed 16 months ago with advanced intrahepatic CC and have been undergoing chemo ever since. It’s been up and down since then. It’s your mum’s choice on what she chooses for treatments but I have never regretted getting chemo. I’ve got to change treatments now since the current mix is no longer working, but it’s added at least a year to my life. But everyone is different.

    In the meantime, don’t pass an opportunity to show her how much she means to you and how much you love her. You all need to reach for the brass ring every time on the merry-go-round. Don’t miss out on a single one and then have regrets.



    Welcome Christian –
    So sorry that you had to find us but you will be glad you did. It does sound like your family might be related to mine…..my husband was diagnosed with CC at the same time our youngest son was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It definitely throws you off.

    Hopefully we can provide you with some support and ideas that will be helpful for you and your family. Just remember we are here and even if you need to just vent we can help with that too.



    Hi Christian,

    Welcome. Glad you found us, but sorry for your reasons for having to. You are in the best place to get help and support when dealing with CC. You will get all the help, support and knowledge we can give you. I too will watch for your post with more information on your mom and how she is doing.

    Hang in there. You are not alone.



    Dear Christian, welcome to the best place to be for CC support and you are not alone anymore as you have just gained family the world over. I am so very sorry about your Mum and will not question you here but will look in the post. Glad to hear your Aunt is doing well. I am also happy that you have been reading up on us as knowledge is the best tool to help win this fight. You will soon see what I mean when I say you are not alone! I will wait for your information post and be very strong! That and attitude help so very much!


    Hi everyone:

    My name is Christian, and I am from Toronto, Canada. I am incredibly sad to have had a reason to seek out and join this community, but just as thankful it’s here.

    Until 6 months ago, no one in our family had ever had a battle with Cancer. Friends of the family, sure, but never close to home. Over the past 6 months, an aunt was diagnosed with thyroid Cancer (she seems to be responding well to treatment); in addition, my mum was diagnosed with advanced Cholangiocarcinoma, for which there are no feasible treatment options. I will be posting in the general discussion section shortly about our battle with this horrendous disease, but wanted to say a quick hello.

    Thank you to everyone, both those who have lost someone to CC and to those who are battling or have survived this illness. Reading your stories, experiences, and information on here has meant the world to me, and has made me feel less alone in trying to care for mum and deal with all the emotions that come with it.

    – Christian

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