I got sort of good news.

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    I too see Buffett and Paris as an interesting combination. I mean… do they even know how to make a marguarita in Paris? Have a wonderful time and I’ll continue to pray for the very best outcome for the upcoming surgery.

    God Bless!!


    I hope you enjoy Paris and Jimmy Buffett – who would have thought of that combination? Good to hear that the surgeon has come up with a viable plan. I think you should go for it, too.

    Love and hugs for you and Hans headed your way!



    Hi Kris,

    I am glad to hear you say that your surgeon is ready to do this and I am so keeping my fingers crossed for a very successful outcome here. A ton of positive thoughts coming your way!

    You will love Paris! I was there when I was 13, many years ago and I liked it. It is such a great city from what I can remember with loads to see, so take your camera! Have a great time and I am looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Big Hugs,




    Paris & Jimmy Buffet. Great combination. Have a wonderful time. We will all look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi Kris, I don’t check in too often but as soon as I do I check to see how you have been . I think of often and send .prayers your way. As usual you continue to amaze me with your beautiful spirit! You go have a fantastic time in Paris come home and kick butt with the surgery and then have another beer with lime for the rest of us followed by an anti nausea chaser! You continue to inspire the rest of us kiddo…thanks…sending love from the states!


    Kris….A trip to Paris? I am thrilled for you. Of course, we want to hear all about it. I am also thrilled to hear that you have the option of a repeated bypass surgery. My husband did not have the choice due to tumor locations however, I have often wondered why this surgery is not being performed more often. My husband much missed the pleasure of the taste of food. Of course, we were pleased to have at least one option available to us but, it would have been much better had he been able to have another re-routing of his intestinal track. Therefore, I congratulate you on your choice. You have a wonderful time (I already know that you will) and I can’t wait to hear all about it.


    Kris, that sounds like good news to me in the grand scheme of things. THings are far from over when they can keep coming up with something else to try. Your doctor sounds absolutely fantastic! One good thing is that you already know the ropes, what to expect after the surgery so that will be old hat for you.
    Paris? Wow, Jimmy Buffet, another wow! Have a blast!


    Yayyy Kris! I’m on Gemox too, so we can write and compare weird side effects. Some of them are TRULY bizarre…

    I’m so glad they will make it possible for you to eat real food again! You deserve every single pleasure you can get.

    Big hugs,




    How I admire you! May you have many more years of enjoying food.



    First I started my new chemo today gemzar and oxaliplatin. I only got gemzar today. They do it in a 2 day step here so I have to go back tomorrow for the oxaliplatin. She nurse doesnt think I will lose my hair on this, she said the cisplatin is far worse and that is probably why I lost my hair last time. Good news.

    Next Thursday I am off to Paris for the Jimmy Buffett concert and what do I have to look forward to when I get back? More surgery! My tumor has grown so much that I can no longer eat. I will be getting home health care to plug me into food at night and come back to unhook me. My oncologist said this wasnt good for me so she contacted the surgery team and my favorite surgon has agreed to reroute my stomach for a second time. The week after I get back from the concert, I will have surgery that will pull part of my small intestine up and connect to my stomach in front of where the tumor has closed it off. This will be another 3 to 5 hour surgery. My fourth major surgery in 4 years. They really do take good care of me.

    My surgeon said I had 3 options 1) a stent which might not work 2)surgery and 3) just gettting nutrician bags. He started to explain how the bags would work when I interupted him and said “Dr. Hakanson, I want to be normal as possible and getting food in a bag in not normal. If I only live 3 months I want to eat and enjoy it” He immediately said ok. Until the home health care is finalised, he wants me to go spend the nights at the surgery ward getting pumped of food in preparation for the big day.

    I love this man. When I said I didnt know how much longer I had and neither did he, he laughed and said of course not. Just that they are willing to give me chemo and do this surgery means that I am not nearly as bad as I thought I was. But to be fair, it is easy to see the worst when you cant keep anything down.

    So there it is…one more big surgery for me.


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