I hate cancer!!!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! I hate cancer!!!

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    Welcome, welcome, Holly – you’ll find lots of help & support here. Very best of luck with the your mother-in-law’s chemo.


    Hi Holly,
    Welcome to the site. I hate cancer too. In fact, it gets me very cranky sometimes!

    You have found the right place to help your MIL on her journey. In fact, I bet there will be times you either confuse or confound your doctor based on information you have learned here. And remember, knowledge is the key to fighting this disease.

    Let us know how we can help you and how things go with your MIL.



    Hi Holly,

    Welcome to the site. I am sorry to hear about your MIL and yes your family has suffered way too much from cancer. I know it is hard just to sit back and see loved ones go through this, but please do not give up hope. I am glad to hear you say that you have been researching and reading the posts on the site, and I am happy that you have now joined us all here as you will get loads of support and help from us all. Please keep coming back and ask as many questions as you may have. We will all help if we can. I hope that your MIL’s chemo goes well and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

    Best wishes to you and all your family,



    All the best to you and your family. Cancer is truly an awful villian, is it not? I am sorry that your family has more than its fair share. But like others have written here, this site is a place of refuge and, most importantly, information. Arm yourself with it.


    Hello, Holly and welcome to our wonderful family! We are very sorry to hear about your M.I.L. and will pray for good reults from the Chemo.
    Do you mind telling us a bit more, like where the CC is located, where you are located and what Chemo she is getting? So glad to hear you have already read up on us, we are an exclusive, fabulous, caring bunch of ‘bananas’ from all over the World. You have come to the right place. Please keep us posted on how your M.I.L. is doing, we all care.



    with this website and the people within it you always have Hope. Never give that up and always pray. He will answer you, it may not be what you like to hear sometimes but it is what he thinks is best for all and I truly believe that.



    Hello….My name is Holly. My mother n law was diagnosed with stage 4 cc. Her husband has been fighting Multiple Myloma for several years now. She has been so great and positive for him and his battle. Now she is sick too. It is so hard to swallow the fact that both of them now have this horrible thing CANCER. I have hope after researching this website. She starts chemo monday. God bless us all.

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