I hate Thursdays

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    It’s Fridays for us. Yep, understand the butterflies even if it is just a routine visit.


    My mom goes to her local ONC on Thurs. also. We don’t get as nervous about that one as we used to. But when we have to go to Houston for her three month check up, I feel nauseated the entire week before! Good luck and God bless to everyone waiting for results. It is definately gut wrenching.


    I always get anticipatory nausea when I know a chemo session is coming up later in the day.


    Hi Gavin, the appointment is for both of us. My first and his bi monthly check up. That’s why Teddy is going to ask the ONC if he does a 2 for 1!
    Like, how many couples can there be who have duo Oncology visits? My hopes are for his CA marker to have stabilized and for me to hear I will not be having oral Chemo. How is dad doing? Is it cold? It has been in the 90’s but will drop to the 80’s now. We set a record here in the last couple of days.


    Thanks Lainy. My apologies to you, I thought it was Teddy’s app again. So good luck to YOU for today!

    Best wishes



    Same back at you, Gavin. It will also be my first session with the Oncologist. Going to see if he wants me on an Oral Chemo. Its all about ME tomorrow! We already have a plan with Teddy’s Radiologist that will start the end of December. My turn! My turn! And so goes our Cancer Dance. Good luck tomorrow.


    Hi Mary’s son,

    Nope. You are most definitely not alone in feeling like this when it comes to waiting to see doctors, we all get that way! My dad has to see a doctor tomorrow to get the results of a meeting his medical team had this week so i know what you’re going through right now. Hope your mums app went well today.

    Lainy, fingers crossed for Teddy tomorrow with the onc.

    Best wishes all



    Oh yes, Mary’s Son … I know that feeling well. I hope today’s appointment went well for you.


    Of course, you are not alone here. I liken it to going to the DDS. We have the Oncologist tomorrow and since I already know Teddy’s CA19 is rising I am terrified. I just don’t let him know. Strange but sometimes I find when I dread it the most…that is when we get good news!!!


    My Mom’s oncologist appointments are on every Thursday whether she’s having a treatment or bloodwork/checkup. Why do I always get this butterfly/ nausua feeling before we go to the doctors…. It’s like driving on a slippery road and you’re skidding towards another car and you’re praying you’ll be able to avoid a wreck!!! I HATE THIS FEELING!!!!!!! Do other people have similar feelings while on this journey?

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