I Miss My Friend, I Miss My Wife

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    I am sorry for your loss of your wife. Losing a loved one is never easy, and one that is so loved and so appreciated by her family (like you were of her) can be even harder. BUT you do have that great love to remember and cherish the rest of your life. Take comfort in knowing that you gave your all to Nancy and it showed is all that you said on this board.

    Take care, and my prayers go with you.



    Dear Tom, I am so very sorry about your loss of Nancy. In time your heart and mind will heal and will be full once again of wonderful and beautiful memories of Nancy. Our Prayers and Thoughts go out to you and your family.


    Dear Tom,

    You and your family have my sincere condolensces on your loss. No words can ease the pain, but try to take comfort in remembering the good times and knowing that Nancy is no longer suffering the pain of this disease. She has moved on to a better place and will always be with you in your heart and memories.

    Please stay with us. I found this site a few days after I lost my husband. Everyone here knows and understands what you are going through and will give so much help, strength, comfort and love in the hard times to come.

    Take care and know that we are all here for you.

    Love & Hugs,


    Terribly sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you.




    So sorry to learn of your loss. Like so many who have come before you (like me), this site proved to be a comfort on what became a painful journey. And like so many, I continue to come here and maybe you will too.

    Peace to you and your family.



    I, too, remember your posts. I am so sorry. May you accept God’s comfort. He will be with you.


    I’m so sorry to hear about Nancy. I remember your story from April and it was obvious how much loved she was. Hold onto the great memories of your wonderful wife and friend.
    In sympathy


    Nancy Jo St.Germain born December 19,1960 passed away on September 28, 2010. She was first diagnosed on April 1st 2010. She never fully accepted her prognosis. She did her best to fight this disease but it was very difficult as she could not eat or drink due to the nausea and vommiting caused by the cancer and chemo. The last three weeks Nancy was with San Diego Hospice and they did an outstanding job. This website was a godsend for Nancy & I. We drew on the information and compassion provided by all the members of this website and for this our family is truly apprecative. Nancy left us all with a broken heart that hopefully time will heal.
    I Miss My Friend, I Miss My Wife

    Thank you all for making a difficult journey a litlle easier.

    Steve & Nancy St.Germain
    (49) (49)

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