I’d Never Heard of CC…..

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! I’d Never Heard of CC…..

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  • #9693

    Hello to everyone here,
    I was a volunteer with Hospice of Central Florida for a number of years and worked at a nursing home for 10 years. I’ve never heard this diagnosis until a couple of months ago when a family member in Kentucky told me that her sister in California had been diagnosed with this disease. Gail had been a flight attendant retiring after a long career of flight and travel. She was only found to have CC for about 3 1/2 months before her death last week. Gail was very health and appearance conscious, living into her 70’s one would have thought she would have lived to be 100. Not ever having heard of this illness I sought out information and am glad to have found this wonderful, informative website. I will appreciate reading and learning all I can to better understand answers to the many questions that I have. Thank you all for having me share the wealth of information here.

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