I’m all alone

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance I’m all alone

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    Dad has been gone for almost 6 months now and mom feels the same as you. I talked to a counselor and they said 6-9 months is the hardest for the spouse. My heart and prayers are with you.


    Sweet Missingwayne….I feel deeply for you in this horrible time. I am sorry that things are so bad. I am praying for you.


    It’s been five months since my Wayne went away. We had made a pac that one would not go and leave the other one here, I wish I would have gone with him. I’m so tired of being here without him. School has started, so my routine is back(I’m a aide), but it is so hard. Not only did I lose my love of my life, but I lost most of my income. It seems like everything is breaking, and there is no money. We pay a trash pick-up every four months, I can’t pay for it so they picked up the trash can. I will lose the internet as soon as the bill gets pass due which will probably be in a week or two. I can’t buy food, or medicine. I’m diabetic so I’m suppose to watch my food, what food. I’m on nine different presciptions, but I have to pick and choose which ones to keep taking. My life revolved around my husband, he had been sick for 24 years. How far is Heaven when can I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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