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    So happy they removed the tumor. I hope chemo is going as well as can be expected. Your faith will get you through so much on this crazy ride, I know it sure did and still does for me. Please keep us updated and I am so glad you found us. Please know we are all here to give support in any way we can. Sending hugs and prayers your way.



    Hi Sherry,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined as you are so in the best place for support and will get loads of that from everyone here. Sorry to hear about your husband but so glad that he was able to have surgery for this as so many people are not able to have that. And real glad to hear that it went well also. I hope that the chemo goes well for him too and please keep us updated on how that goes. You are not alone in this now, we are all here for you as well.

    Please keep on going back here as much as you want to as we so care and will do our best to support and help you if we can.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,




    So happy you found us, Best wishes that between the surgery and the chemo, you will soon be posting updates under the Good News section.

    Take care of yourself as well, and let us know all is going,



    Hi Sherry,

    Another Wisconsinite here to welcome you. sorry you have to be here, but you have definitely come to the right place for help & support.

    I’m in Plymouth which is half way between Sheboygan & Fond du Lac. I’m hoping we are on the low end of the snow forecast. Not ready for that yet.

    My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you and your family.



    Dear Sherry, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Actually YIPPEE for your husband to be able to have had surgery our favorite word. We understand how your feel and really there is nothing scarier! But your husband has a good start and we wish for it to continue.
    Where are you from in WI? I came to Phoenix from Milwaukee. My husband was born and raised there. Guess you folks are to get a ton of snow today?
    Where is your husband being treated? We were visiting kids in Milwaukee when my husband was DX and had surgery at St. Mary’s with a Dr. Lyle Henry. Teddy had a Whipple and it did buy him 5 years.
    You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Trust yourself, the rest will follow! When first diagnosed you will start out walking slowly and before you know it you will be running with the pack! Please keep us updated as we truly care.


    Just wanted to say hello. My 51 year old husband was recently diagnosed with CC. The last few months have been a very scary whirlwind. Basically, a tumor was found on his liver . . . left untreated for 2 years, they didn’t think it was cancer – it actually shrunk when he was on some heavy duty antibiotics. Most recently when it was checked it grew and he was referred to a specialist. She wanted it out! After removing 50% of his liver it came back that it was CC. 3 weeks later he began chemo. He is on his second dose of chemo. All this is very new to us and very scary. This blog is a godsend . . . I am learning so much from all you. Your stories have touched me and given me hope. My faith is strong and we are up for this battle. Prayers for you all . . . please keep me and my family in your prayers.

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