I’m off to see a naturopath

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    Susie…I would have an open mind to what the naturopath has to offer. In many ways modern medicine is overrated whereas some of these herbal supplements have been around for many years.
    Can’t wait to hear your report.


    So, after some encouragement from my husband, I’ve made an appointment with a naturopath this Saturday.
    I will be honest, I’m not a huge fan of alternative/non-hospital based medicine.
    I have spoken to my oncologist about this several times. She has many patients who use a variety of treatments and is willing to work with whatever they choose, but doesn’t actually recommend any. She did say, however, she believes if they have any benefit, the best time is now, as I am right now cancer free and recovering from treatment and not receiving any treatment.
    So, we will see what this guy has to say. I’m sure he will order a ton of blood work, which I will be interested to see the results.
    I’m very hesitant to take a bunch of supplements. Especially when I have half a liver that has been radiated. :)

    Any thoughts? I will be sure to let you know how it goes. And don’t worry, I will not be talked into doing anything I am not comfortable with and my oncologist is against.
    Take care!

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