Implanted morphine pump!

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    You can only have radiation once. Unless there are tumors in OTHER places, then you may be able to have radiation in a new spot. Chemo can leave scarring but it is the only way to really kill this stuff as chemo is an enabler to radiation and many times chemo loses its effectiveness.


    Yes that’s so true, I hate how it’s so unpredictable and such an unknown. I have heard there are different types of tumour-sclerosing, nodular, papillary but I haven’t seen any discussion on this board about the effects of different types. I did hear that radiation might be painful or cause scarring. Will your doctors be suggesting more chemo or radiation? You must be so desperate to stop his pain. We’re all really hoping this implant will help.


    yes my husband’s weight loss is astronomical though, devastating and yes I have heard it could be a year for pain to get better, but a person can’t live a year in pain, so we went for drastic measures to get rid of it…thus this new pump implanted. Toomuch pain puts your body in trauma. Docs have tried lots of things, so it is not their fault it is just a mess. It is the cancer, a bad thing, differnt for everyone, and differnt treatmetns also work for different people…or don’t work. hope things get better for your dad.


    I apologise-must have misunderstood. I thought you had been frustrated with the doctors previous attempts. Perhaps I got the wrong person. My dad’s surgery was jan 13 and he still has some issues, mainly diarrhea and weight loss. The surgeon advised it was perfectly possible after such big surgery.

    I very much hope your husband gets some relief soon.


    Doctors have always listened and acted. Surgery was Jan 4th so the pain is from cancer in general. And it has been unmanageable no mater what we try or they try, so this was another attempt to work on it.


    Wow, didn’t know there wa a pump of that kind. Great and we hope it helps a whole lot more than what he has been getting. Its like we say, if we stick around long enough new things are always popping up!


    I really hope so too. Your husband is suffering terribly. I can only imagine it is from the surgery as opposed to the infected nodes? I very much hope the doctors are now listening and acting for you.


    Well my husband has been on an external pain in the butt morphine pump for months. It is not working well (as his pain remains 5-9 all day)and the morphine makes him hallucinate all day and I have to have someone stay with him. It is an awful mess. So they implanted a morphine pump in his abdomin, under the skin, looks like a hockey puck !!! and it attaches into spinal fluid with some tube. Anyway, over the next month or two they will decrease the external morphine and increase the internal pump so he doens’t get any withdrawls and then he will be able to shower and all and not carry anything around (the new pump works with this little wireless device the size of a car door unlock key chain thing). Anyway, the inside pump can hold up to 6 months of morphine and the external pump , less concentrated, is replaced every week. You get addicted to the pump in your veins, but don’t get addicted to the one into your spine, It also doesn’t mess up your head or take your appetite away. So we are looking forward to this switch over !! Just wanted to share since I haven’t read about anyone with this. Maybe my husband is in more pain than everyone and has lost 90 lbs which is huge etc etc. Anyway..oh, we also get his labs and they come back like a perfectly normal person. The only way they can see the cancer is infected nodes in the catscan. Bizarro as so many people on this sight pay attention to labs. Anyway, I am hoping in another month, my husband pain is finally being managed after so many months of misery.

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