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    I too hope for many others to join in and share their thoughts as well Marion. I just edited my post, I hope thats what you were looking for. If not let me know and I will edit again.




    thanks Lainy and Gavin…I hope for others to join in also. Forgot to mention something important:
    would you mind editing your post?
    Please give permission to allow for distribution of content of post.
    Thanks. I will edit my original posting above.


    Hi Marion,

    Many thanks for this and indeed for all of your efforts here, they are very much appreciated by everyone. And of course, my thanks also to Tim and Lesley for attending this conference with you and for helping run the booth.

    Why and how has our site benefitted me? Quite simply for me without the site and all of the members here I would have been lost without everyone after hearing my dads diagnosis of inoperable CC. The information that I found here helped me and my dad so much, but perhaps more importantly was the support that I got from all of the members here helped me through this and continues to do so today. We have ordinary, everyday people here, patients, carers, loved ones, family members and friends, all touched by CC and coming here and helping everyone else in whatever way that they can. Someone reading something that I posted knows what I am going through on that day, and when I read a post by someone else I know what they are going through as well. In what ever way CC touches you, whether it be from a patients or a family members perspective, it is a tough and horrible journey to have to be on. But I am glad that we can all go through this with each other and that we have this site so that we can all go through it together. We will get there.

    Thanks and big hugs to you Marion,


    I give my permission to allow for distribution of the content of my post.


    My husband was Diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma August of 2005. In January of 2006, I found this site and have been addicted to it ever since. So many courageous, caring and loving people the world over helping each other to understand and cope with this monster, Cholangiocarcinoma. Because of this site I had the courage to make decisions and care for my husband for the next 5 years. I learned what to expect, I learned what questions to ask and I learned how to handle it all from the strength I garnered from this CC Family. Lainy Sardina
    I give permission for distribution of the content of my post.


    Unlike ASCO, The American Society of Clinical Onclology,, and the World’s Premier Oncology Meeting, GI ASCO, is disease specific to Gastrointestinal Malignancies.

    Tim Garlaneu, Lesley Morris, and I will attend on behalf of The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and all patients touched by this disease, nationally and internationally.

    More information will come your way however, today I would like to ask a favor of you.

    Would you please be so kind and write why and how our site has benefitted you?

    Your comments are important to us as it will be part of the I-pad presentation offered to physicians and researchers visiting our booth.
    In a special line please give permission to distribution of post.

    I thank you in advance and please forgive me….I need it by “yesterday.”

    Thanks and hugs,

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