In retrospect

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    Thanks Pam and Lainy.
    Let’s keep this thread going. It will contain a wealth of information.


    This was really hard once I started thinking about it. What would I change? Only one thing. I would magically bring Teddy back! We had the best Doctors, they helped us make the best choices, family and friends were superb and we made so many simple, little loving Memories.
    Listen to your gut, ask questions, write notes or record Doctor visits, do not let others around you try to steer your way as they will never know what you know about CC or what you are really going through. Be strong! I cannot tell you enough how it will get you through the rough parts.
    Do not be afraid to call Hospice to your home. It should be all about the comfort of the patient and they help the whole family. I am sure I will edit this as we go along so bear with me.


    Medically speaking getting the port was a godsend for my Mom. It simplified things trememdously.

    Being in the medical field I was my Mom and Dad’s advocate and translator. I have NO fear of doctors and challenged them whenever necessary. (Of course being a Southern Belle, I had to use the iron fist in the velvet glove approach but made my points!)….lol

    On a non medical side the thing I miss the most is hearing my Mom’s voice.
    I would have given a million dollars to have her voice reading one of the audio books Hallmark now has on the market. For months I dialed her work phone in the middle of the night just to hear her voice mail recording. I tried to get a friend to record it but it really didn’t work. I was devastated the night I called and found it was someone else’s phone now.

    I never thought I would say this but I now treasure ALL of those trips from New Bern to Greensboro to pick up Mom and Dad and drive them to Duke. We sang, we talked – in short we made memories.

    Treasure each day, each trial, each setback, each triumph….you’ll never be sorry.

    Hugs to all on this journey….


    In retrospect, I wouldn’t have been such a “strong” woman and would have gone to the dr. 4 years ago when I had the first pains, which turned out to be gall stones. I always thought it was my back going out and when I went to the chiropractor the pain magically disappeared! I never had many pains, but I wish I hadn’t relied on “alternative” medicine and had gone to my family practitioner.
    Then the gall stones would have been caught a few years ago and I might never have had to go thru this.
    But, hindsight is 20/20 and this is the hand that God has dealt. So…
    Hopefully in a couple of months I can say the best thing was relying on Dr. Fong’s expertise but I haven’t finished relying on him yet…



    What would you have done differently? What do you feel absolutely best about?

    So often these comments come up and it would be nice to have it lumped together in one particular thread. It will help those not as experienced to have a greater overwiew.

    You are the experts – you have much to share.

    Thanks a bunch – I can’t wait to read up on your stories of wisdom.


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