Increase in CA19.9

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    thormagic….We have seen tumor markers in the 40 thousands and come back down due to various treatment responses.


    Lainy. Thank you for your reply. Orginally we had 2 onc opinions. We have stayed with the one dr. Because we were seeing such good results. We did get another opinion with her onc radiologist. The onc chemo and onc radiologist worked together and decided to do the cyber knife. I thank you for your comments and will find another dr. For 2nd opinion.

    Just curious about the tumor marker level CA19.9 at 16,000. Are there any suggestions of what this means and is this a typical number and how high has anyone seen see this number go to. I understand normal is 37.


    Dear Thormagic, what hits me here is that you have been with one ONC for a long time and perhaps it is time for a 2nd opinion? It is understandable that Mom is wiped out so to speak. She has been hit with the biggest monster cancer we know of. Her comfort should be the most important thng at this point. She can be off chemo for a bit as it keeps on cookin for awhile and perhaps she just needs a good rest while you get a 2nd opinion which will either shed new light or validate what is being done. Best of luck and please keep us updated on Mom as we truly care.


    My mom was diagnosed 1 year ago with stage 4 CC. She was on Gemzar/cisplatin. This showed to be too hard on her kidneys. She then did a few months of xeloda while preparing for her cyber knife. She is now on Gemzar/oxiplatin. We just got the results back from her CA19.9. When she was first diagnosed her level was at 11,000. They went as low as 2400 while on gem/Cis. It is now at 16,000. She is not jaundice. I understand what this means but was curious if anyone had similar experience and what was the outcome. We are not sure if we should continue chemo or even if we can. This new chemo she is on has lowered her platelets to 17,000 and her hgb. is 8.2. Just so confused what to do next

    I would appreciate any comments , advice or even information on what we are seeing and what we should be prepared for. My mom is 79 always a pillar of health until this recent diagnosis.

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