Individuals who want to participate in research studies

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  • #33169

    Hello John….have you been able to regain some of your strengths? I don’t know much about your type of cancer. Adenocarcinoma though, appears to be given much attention at the medical conferences I have attended leading me to believe, that much research is going in that direction. Good luck, John with you upcoming treatment. Someone always has a positive response to the various treatments available. I am wishing for you to be that person. And, as we have seen on this board, in some instances, the cancer stays put or, when it returns, it can be treated with another method.
    All my best wishes,


    Hello everyone.
    First, since my “Whipple” surgery 6 weeks ago, it was found to be adeno and not carlangio as suspected. I had a large tumor growing from the back of my Pancreas and because it grew through 3 veins from my Liver, they could not get all of it out. Also, I had 1 lymphnode found mastastisized. The cell structure was that called “S” something I just learned that is of the worst type of cancer to have. My oncologist says that this type means I am in a 90+% for rapid return of the cancer. I am scheduled to begin Chemo on Dec 1st. with radiation to follow. I know that this is a Cholangio Board which was expected for me to have, just didn’t work out. My Whipple was 8hrs 42minutes and they took evan 1/2 stomach along with everything else.

    If there are options for my treatment I need to find out.
    Thanks. John McConahay

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