Infection after y-90

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    Hi Daisy,

    Thanks for the update on your mum and I am so sorry to hear of what she is going through right now and having to deal with. I found this link that may be of interest to you –

    “Less common complications include a build-up of fluid, high levels of alkaline phosphatase and infection.”

    Maybe this is something that your mum is having to content with right now? Here is another link as well that is quite detailed and technical though which I hope may help too –

    The pain that your mum is going through right now really should be looked into and dealt with if possible as this will be getting her down a lot as you say. Pain should be able to be handled by medication and I would definitely keep on at her med team to sort this asap. I too hope that the antibiotics work very quickly and that hopefully your mum will feel a lot better soon.

    Thinking of you both,



    Hi Daisy,

    Thanks for your update on your mother.  Her latest round of treatment has been tough, but your mom has been through a lot of treatment in the past so she certainly has proven to be a courageous fighter.

    It has been a positive development for our community that with the growing number of treatment options, it is becoming more possible that for some patients cholangiocarcinoma becomes a long-term chronic illness.  Your mother’s case, at five and a half years, is an example of this progress, but right now the bump in the road is a concerning one.  While long-term survivorship is a welcome accomplishment for our cancer, this is not to deny that repeated difficult treatments can be wearying especially in cases like your mother’s where the recovery from a procedure is complicated by infection.

    I searched through the board and there are a few reports of fevers after Y-90, but none I could find of serious infection.  I looked through medical journal articles by searching “Y-90” and “infection” or “fever.”  I found some studies that suggest this is an uncommon occurrence, but unfortunately a percentage of Y-90 patients will end up battling an infection, which is generally treated with antibiotics.

    I hope the antibiotics your mother is receiving kick in soon, and that the pain and discomfort diminish.  Do you know yet if the Y-90 was successful in pushing back the cancer?

    Take care, regards, Mary


    My mother recently had radio embolism y-90 A week after the procedure she ended up with an ecoli infection…After two weeks of antibiotics no change fevers every day. Scan revealed that she had a pocket of fluid/infection that the antibiotics could not penetrate. They placed a stent in to drain the fluid, or infection which now they are calling strep. She has worked with an evection’s disease specialist… She is still draining but less and less every day. Her fever is now under 100 but she has one every day. She has battled Cholangio for 5 1/2 years, she has had a resection, SBRT And conventional radiation. She has also had chemotherapy. Throughout this entire journey nothing has a B in her down more than this experience. She could barely walk from one end of the room to the other. She is receiving antibiotics daily through a pick line… Her spirits are completely down she has no energy and is in constant pain. Question is has anybody experienced anything like this after Y 90?

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