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  • #60704

    lostsoul…are you able to hold down fluids? Hydration is very important. Don’t hesitate form contacting the physician if indeed you have not improved.


    Are you still on Xeloda? it’s side effects included diarrhea,headache ,dizziness and infection(due to low WBC or neutropenia). But most likely the infection was related to the stents.
    Make sure you drink lot of water to hydrate yourself enough to prevent kidney problems;Cisplatin is the chemo agent that is toxic to the kidney.
    What is the name of the medication that is/are in your clinical trial?
    Can you name them so I can take a look for you?
    As long as your fever went away,that is a good sign.
    God bless.


    I wish I could help you more. All I can tell you is my experience. I’ve had a few blood infections, etc. this past 13 months. The signs are nausea, fever, and overall flulike symptoms. They treat with antibiotics, tho. Drink plenty of fluids. I was on i.v. antibiotics with the last infection, which they “couldn’t determine” where it was. They do help but with a lot of these infections you are just worn down and it takes a while.
    Sorry I can’t be more help.


    So I was on cisplatian and Gemcitabin for a while now and my liver numbers were high my stent doesn’t need to be changed as I have no jaundice. They said I was having problems excreting the chemo cause I have been taking it so long and gave me a 3 week break and said they are going to put me onlyon one drug instead of the two because Its hard on my liver. During the break I went to Florida to visit fam and came back with a high fever of 102 and was throwing up non stop so I went to the hospital. They told me I have an infection but they are not sure where and gave me antibiotics. The antibiotics seem to be making me very ill my fever has gone down I’m at home. Food seems to be not agreeing with me at all I get bad diharea pain in the bowels dizziness and headaches. I am hoping this is just the antibiotics and not the cancer. Has anyone had experiences with infections. Or is it a bad sign i am getting infections?

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