info on the length of time Gemzar known also Gemcitabine can be use

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion info on the length of time Gemzar known also Gemcitabine can be use

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    I, too, was disappointed last fall when they told me my tumor was the same size after radiation and chemo. With the help of the people on this board, I learned that no growth and no additional tumors is WONDERFUL news!

    As far as I know, I’m still at the same point.

    I’m rejoicing in your news!


    hi to all
    we have had the meeting with the onc about the ct scan and as usual mixed bag of information. the scan showed that the tumour hasn’t changed and appears to be no further spread so basically every thing is still the same but the treatment hasn’t shrunk it either. My husband hasn’t had surgery so that’s what we desperately are aiming for so for us this wasn’t quite the news we were hoping for but at least it hasn’t gotten bigger. he’s a bit disappointed with this so if any one has experienced this and has good news to impart I’d greatly appreciate it as he needs to hear some good news. We see the new oncology team on the 21st oct so hopefully they will be more positive than our current doctor. Well thanks for listening hope all is going well for all Julie


    I am not sure how long of time intervals that you can stay on a certain type of chemotherapy. However, I do know that the chemotherapy stays in your system and keep working for almost 6 months after your last treatment. I have a notebook that I take everywhere and write my questions that I want to ask the doctors before each visit. I hit them with questions like rapid fire, but they have come to learn that they better come prepared to answer some questions each time. My dad’s doctors expect questions everytime now and even make jokes when I do not ask questions now because they enjoy patients being on top of things. A great doctor appreciates patients and friends and family of the patients who care and ask questions. Keep asking questions and remember knowledge is power.

    I wish you and your family the best of luck.


    I was on oxaliplatin/gemzar/Xeloda for 3 1/2 months before my blood counts got too low and my chemo onc had to give me a break. I think how long you can take a given regimen is directly related to how well your body can stand up to the toxic chemotherapeutic agents. And how long before you go back to chemotherapy depends upon how long your body takes to rebuild itself.

    As for second opinions, getting a second opinion from a doc who has good experience with bile duct cancer can improve the odds greatly!

    God bless you and yours.


    hi andie thanks for your encouragement I’m so glad for your dad we have made the appointment with the new oncologist and if we decide to change it probably means moving as they are 3 and half hours away which really isn’t a problem but it means we have to move away from his children one being 16yrs old she will be the one who will have it the hardest. I’ve already spoken to her before about us maybe moving and told her she can come and stay when ever she likes but due to school and her apprenticeship she can’t move with us but we will put plans in place so that she can visit when ever she likes. Will keep you all posted thanks for all your help advice and well wishes Julie



    Wishing you lots of luck for the scan. If it’s any help my Dads scan hasn’t changed since March and he’s had no treatment at all. Not sure if it’s luck or that his form of cc is very slow to grow BUT he has proved the original doctors prognosis of 2-3 months wrong. Always trust your instinct and if your not happy change oncologists/doctors.

    Best wishes to you both


    A big thank you to everyone who answered my question. I really do think it’s time for us to change oncologists as this Dr doesn’t explain anything to us or even make suggestions I get all my info from my new lovely family and then confront him with all of this. If my husband’s agreeable I think it’s time to find another oncologist who will actually discuss things with us. Once again thank you for all your help and support. To Andie we are about to have our first CT Scan since starting this 6mths ago and this will take place on the 29th Sept but won’t see the Dr till 12 Oct so I’ll post the results for you. I’m just praying and hoping it will all be positive as surely such a drop in markers must mean it’s doing something to the tumour. Goodluck to all and talk to you all soon Love to all Julie


    I was on Gemzar last year, and now am back on it again with Irenotecan.
    Gemzar was the least objectionable medication that I’ve had as far as side effects are concerned.


    I was on gemzar cisplatin for about 4 months last fall and now I am on gemzar oxalitplatin now. I think you can stay on it for as long as it works, but your body will need some breaks to rebuild itself during that time.




    I’ve had 5 chemo. types…..the Gemzar / Cisplatin combo, and then Oxaliplatin with Xeloda pills, and then a clinical trial of Irinotecan (which has been around for a while, not just in clinical trials). I don’t know what the duration of time is for each round, but I was told that eventually your body gets used to the chemo med. or builds up a resistance to it, so they try to limit it, or at least give you body a break.

    Google it, and see if it comes up with anything for you.

    Good luck,



    Hi Julie,

    My Dad is due to start Gem/Cis Chemo once his bile level is low enough. When we met with the Oncologist we were told he could have it for a max of 6 months before the body would need a break. I presume after a break of a few months it may be able to be started again or a different chemo combination may be used.

    I’m sure someone who has actually had Chemo will be along soon to answer your question inmore depth.

    I’m so glad your husband has had good results with it, did they say if it has shrunk the tumour?

    Best wishes


    Hi to all
    Was wondering if anyone can answer this question for me. My job takes me away alot and my husband is often looked after by my mother or his mother so I don’t always get to be at all of his Oncology appointment. He just told me that his last meeting with his Onc was a mixed bag of information. He’s been on Gemcitabine now for approx 6 mths with good results. His tumour markers were 11,000 and now are approx 1900. We live in Australia and Gem is not the recognised treatment so we have been paying for it. His Onc just informed him that this treatment was a 6mth trial and indicated that it was all going to end. My husband said no way as if it’s working we’re not stopping. What my question is does anyone know if this drug can be used indefinitely or is it only for 6 mths then that’s it. If this is the case what else can be used in it’s place. We do have a complication which is that he has an infection and that is why cisplatin isn’t used. Any help that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. I’m also going to consult his original team and see what they say so we will definitely be getting a second opinion. Thanks Julie

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