Informative Video Presentation on This Web site(under patient support)

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  • #56803

    Thanks Marion & Gavin.


    Hi Fatema,

    Heres the link to the video presentations –

    Best wishes,



    Fatema…task bar (top)- “patient support” – scroll to “video presentation.”
    Good luck. Please don’t hesitate from asking for further help if so needed.


    Hi, where could i get that video presentation??


    Thanks for this Percy!


    Hi, everyone,

    I spent some time to watch and listen to the presentations.(3 of the recent ones.); They are very informative and here is my suggestion.

    1. Presentation on 12/16/2011 about Radioembolization clinical trial.
    (it may be a life time opportunity for those who can qualified )

    If you have intrahepatic CCA, watch the Phase II study about radioembolization for CCA; especially you do not have any chemotherapy treatment for CCA before;you may qualify for this clinical trial down in Tampa,Fl.
    this presentation is very easy to understand (about 38min.)and this treatment is much easier to tolerate than traditional chemo treatment .
    Radioembolization may be one of the best treatment option for intrahepatic CCA available NOW.(as clinical or off protocol treatment .)

    2. Presentation on 8/30/2011 Biliary Tract disease.(recommend to listen at the 46 min. mark if this is too long for you)

    If you like to know the ORIGIN of this CCA disease;if you like biology and chemistry; this is the presentation for you to understand this horrible disease;how it starts and the uptodate research on the molecular or cell level of CCA.(about 60min long); It may be very boring to some of us to listen and understand;BUT there is a simple diagram or picture illustration followed with that I will encourage all of you to watch just this segment, if you want to skip the whole thing ;try to watch at the 46 min. mark(at the bottom,after the presentation is loaded;slide the mark to 46min and start watching,it is just a few min.long and not that difficult to understand.)
    It talks about the role of the tumor micro environment in CCA progression.
    it helps to understand there are other needs for us to target the surrounding cells as well as the cancer cells in research and treatment;therefore we should not rule out completely the benefits of using CAM(complimentary and/or alternative treatments ) as well as other forms of treatment plans including additional chemo or targeted agents and radiation therapy such as radioembolization etc.

    3.Presentation of “Review of CCA—” on 8/3/2011(recommend to listen the “answering segment” at the end of the presentation,start at the 47min. Mark and last about 17 min.)

    This talks about how to interpret the results in a simple but effective way for what is OR, and p-value means for a study. about systemic therapy ;it talks at length about the ABC trials of the comparison of GEMZAR and the GEM/CIS
    In short GEM/CIS provides a longer overall survival (11.7 vs 8.5 month).
    it is relatively easy to understand; The speaker is not boring;
    But the best part is at the end when he answers the questions about CCA;it is informative and easy to understand for the general public;useful and truthful;eager to provide and not shy of personal opinions on the CCA subject matter. I like his presentation style.
    God bless.

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