Insurance coverage

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    MCF….I have mailed you a response. Unfortunately, my time is pretty limited for the next few weeks as I am in Washington DC with a hectic schedule of NIH and FDA. But I will try my best. I am planning on pulling postings from those treated with Nexavar in addition to adding a few research studies.
    Of course, if anyone it out there reading this posting and has something to add please, feel free to do so.

    Hugs and love,


    MCF….I have mailed you a response. Unfortunately, my time is pretty limited for the next few weeks as I am in Washington DC with a hectic schedule of NIH and FDA. But I will try my best. I am planning on pulling postings from those treated with Nexavar in addition to adding a few research studies.
    Of course, if anyone it out there reading this posting and has something to add please, feel free to do so.

    Hugs and love,


    Sounds like a plan, best of luck!! Please keep us posted.


    Lainy, No we haven’t gone to back to Mayo yet. Our Oncologist here talked to our oncologist at Mayo and suggested we see the radiologist here to see if they can do a stent or drain. We still plan on going…..but our oncologist there said he has no new options on the chemo treatments……..(according to our oncologist here) I was ready to pack up and go and I still am…..It is a tough trip on Sheila… travel the thousand miles – but we sure will if we don’t get any relief from the jaundice this week. Thanks, Bob


    Bob did you go back to Mayo? I am so hoping they can do something for Sheila!!!!


    Marion, thank you for the offer for the information needed to get approval for the Nexavar. I am not sure how to go about getting it from you….. Do you need my email??? Please let me know asap as I am trying to file the appeal now. It is such a struggle to get the insurance companies to approve treatments for CC. As a followup on Sheila’s condition, we saw the oncologist yesterday and he scheduled us to see the radiologist tomorrow morning concerning our request for stent or drain placement to help the jaundice. He still says he beieves the compression from the tumors stopping the bile is up in the smaller branches of the biles ducts so he feels it won’t be possible to help with stent or drain. I am hoping to get the radiologist to at least try to scope it to see what he could do. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping……. Thanks, Bob

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