Insurance Coverage for Sorafenib (nexavar)?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Insurance Coverage for Sorafenib (nexavar)?

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    Hello rollem , sorry you had to find this board. My wife has been on this chemo a couple of different times and had very good success in keeping her 12 to 14 peritoneal implants at bay for a number of months. But unfortunately like w this cancer it found a way to start growing again. However after several other treatments ( too many to name ] she is back on Nexavar again as she is running out of options. Sorry to ramble , Our insurance Medco has a special group [Acrido] which dispenses this med by mail , and your right it isnt always approved because it is not proven for CC but it has worked for my wife before and we are pinning our hopes on it again . also she has since gone on Medicare since she has been out of work and on SSD and they have continued to pay for it. I do not know if I answered your questions but I know this med works for some . God bless you and your Mom


    Thanks, Pam. We’re waiting to hear from Mayo to see if it’s approved. What a blessing that would be!



    My Mom’s insurance company covered it. Her doctor at Duke wrote the prescription and the medication was mailed to the house since you can’t pick it up at a pharmacy. The company was excellent and had phone numbers for information and great patient information.

    We were surprised it was covered since it’s not specifically for CC. My Mom was a Guilford County, North Carolina employee with I think Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

    The Oncologist told us he would write a letter if needed but they approved it.

    Hang in there! It can be done!



    Has anyone had the good fortune of obtaining insurance coverage for nexavar? If so, which insurance carrier covered it? Anyone w/ medicare that has obtained approval? How did you go about it?

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