Interested to hear about other survivors and pregnancy after??

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Interested to hear about other survivors and pregnancy after??

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    Shatimay… My oncologist did mention freezing my eggs but we opted not to because we were wanting to get started with treatment immediately. I only had one 3 week round of 5fu chemo before my resection surgery and I was suppose to have a round of gemzar after my surgery but I had issues with infections in my incision so I wasn’t able to finish it. I have an appt with my Obygn next week to discuss my options but I do already have a little girl so if its not an option for us then we’ll just have to find other options, possible adoption etc :-/

    Marion… I do have a probiotic that I take several times a day that seems to help. That was one of the things I loved about Cancer Treatment Centers of America, every first I meet with a nutritionist and naturiopath (spelling??) dr which I feel plays an important role :)

    Susie… Thank you for the info. That is very scary and if there is a chance of pregnancy increasing the chances of reoccurrence then it’s prob not a chance we wanna take. :-/ I guess we shall she next week!


    Hi. I am almost 34 and was diagnosed at 31. I had a resection, chemo and radiation. I do not have any children. I discussed pregnancy with my oncologist and she advised me to wait 2yrs after chemo radiation was completed, which is on November of this year. I have a ct scan at the end of the month, so will see how it goes.
    Is the only info I’ve found about pregnancy after cholangiocarcinoma.
    It is a very scary decision. If I remain cancer free, I’m not sure how I will proceed yet.
    Congratulations on being cancer free!



    Nat….In re: to digestive issues you might want to ask your physician about Creon taken with each meal and possible a daily probiotic too. Some have had great results with it.




    Awesome news on a year cancer free! I was 29 when diagnosed and now am 32. I started chemo with gemzar and cisplatin and before starting my oncologist asked about freezing eggs as chemo can cause fertility issues. I’m not sure about what type of chemo you had, but have you asked your onc if you might have problems? My husband and I have made the choice to not have children except for my 2 furry loves of my life. I am now on my third go round with chemo. I hope this helps. Thinking and praying for you.



    Hi Nat,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but I’m glad that you’ve joined as you’re in the best place for support and help, and you will get loads of both from everyone here. Thanks for sharing what you’ve been through with us all and you sure have been through a lot haven’t you. That is great to hear that your chemo and brachi therapy worked very well and that it allowed you to go forward with your whipples. And very good indeed to hear that the whipples went well and that you are cancer free, very good news indeed!

    Like Marion I can’t recall any stories either from our members regarding pregnancy but that doesn’t mean that it has not happened though, just that they perhaps have not posted about it. I had a look around and found some links that I hope may be of interest to you.

    As to the issues with food, the greasy food caused troubles for my dad too so he stopped eating anything greasy and the bananas, not heard of troubles with that before, maybe it is down to the potassium in the bananas?

    I hope that you will keep on coming back here and keep us up to date with how everything goes for you. If we can help in any way then please just ask and we’ll do our best to help if we can. We are here for you and we care. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes,



    Thank you for your quick response! No one really understands the bananas thing but it instantly hurts after eating one. I ususlly simply take a Zantac every night before bed so i dont have any issues. I have searched the web and haven’t really found anything on pregnancy afterwards. I am also starting to think I may be being a little naive when it comes to remission and being able to get things back to “normal”. Seeing several stories of reoccurance after having surgery terrifies me! Am I naive to think that it’s never going to come back?


    NatDaniels…welcome to our site. Congratulations on your successful tumor reduction, the following resection and your general feeling of well being. Risk of infection appears to be ongoing and is something to watch for at anytime. From what we have seen there will be an ongoing sensitivity to greasy food. I have learned that Acidic foods are difficult to brake down (we had been told that by our physician) but, the Bananas puzzle me other than it might cause constipation.
    I hope that others will come forward and share with you their thoughts on pregnancy post chemo, radiation and resection. I don’t recall any pregnancy stories on this site, but this may be related to the fact that people try to move on with their lives and prefer not to stay in touch and/or that the majority of members are a bit older than you.
    Glad that you have found us. Please stay with us.


    Hello!Im not really sure where to start but I’m 28 and have been “cancer free” for a year now. After having 3 weeks of 2x a day high dose radiation along with continuous chemo plus brachi therapy radiation my tumor had shrunk enough for surgery. Last September I had a liver resection/ whipple surgery. I had some issues with infections but for the most part I have been healthy since. I still have issues with certain foods… really greasy, bananas, oranges, etc. My husband and I are wanting to add to our family. I was wondering if anyone had become pregnant after this type of diagnosis?

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