Intermittant blockages after radiation & chemo?? is anyone experiencin

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    My 78 yr old mom has liver resection in August followed by radiation and xyloda, half way thru radiation she was hospitalized because of intermintant blockage in her intestines which eventually cleared up, she finished radiation but they stopped xyloda, she is now in the hospital for 5th time because of blockage that they can’t figure out and it clears up after they put tube down her and she is in hospital for about a week, but she is so weak from this and now they are talking about doing surgery.. has anyone had this issue after radiation. we are thinking it might be from the treatments because she didn’t have the issue until half way through radiation?? she is leaning toward surgery but she is so weak we are very concerned but she is frustrated from continued weakness and going in and out of hospital. Her numbers are good and they also just removed some liquid that was in her abdoman area but we don’t have test results back yet.

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