Internal bleeding, is this related?

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    More great news tonight, thanks for that Ali!! Hoping like you say that things do get quieter and no doubt you are so looking forward to visiting too!




    alihutch….wonderful news. Happy to hear that he is back to “normal” and feeling great.


    Thanks Lainey. He was a forester, so it’s what he does. :-)
    Thanks for the support, we are crossing our fingers that things are quiet for a while now and are planning to visit next year.


    Oh, Alihutch, what great news. Chopping logs? What a nightmare Dad and all of you went through. When it’s not your time, its not your time! What a story. Thanks for the wonderful update and wishing him the very best. Everyone can breath now!


    Rob’s Dad seems to be pretty much back to normal (and is chopping logs again…..sigh)
    He’s seen his oncologist and will have a scan and next appointment next month. Remarkable turnaround. We don’t know what caused the bleed, but whatever it is seems to have healed.


    Thanks Lainy, I’m not sure what happens next, but I hope that they will ask for more investigation. The regional hospital seemed to overlook the fact that he’d had surgery less than 3 weeks before this happened.


    Dear Ali, thanks for the update and at least it is in the right direction. Talk about a close call!! Let’s hope this break continues so at least his Dad can store up some energy. Thanks again!


    Well this is an unexpected update. Rob is coming home. His Dad’s bleeding has stopped for 24 hours and when they (finally) took his blood pressure it was normal. He’s going to carry on sleeping at the hospital and coming home during the day. He’s still been able to walk on a frame and has been chatting with visitors.
    He hasn’t had a traumatic bleed for over 10 days and we are no further forward in knowing what the problem is, but for the moment things are better.
    I still have a suspicion that this might have been related to the stent replacement a few weeks ago.


    Thanks Gavin….it’s such a long way away. He left at 2.15 yesterday afternoon and he’s still not there


    Sorry to hear this news Ali. Yes it is right that Rob and his brothers travel to see their dad and I hope their travels are safe. Know that this is such a tough time for you all made harder by the distances involved as well. You know we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and all of your family right now.




    Thanks Lainy, he’s in the air now. One brother flies from San Fransisco tomorrow and the one in Queensland hasn’t said what his plans are.


    OK. Sounds like it IS time for this long dreaded trip. Safe Travel to Rob!


    Thanks Lainy. Hospital have said that the sons need to get there. He’s just been transferred to his local hospital and is happier to be there. He’s been given 4 units of blood in the last 24 hours. I’m putting Rob on a flight at lunchtime and he’ll land in Perth 5.30pm Friday.


    So sorry, perhaps in a way he still took it in to his own hands and now no decision needs to be made. If this is true I can only hope and pray for comfort for him. Thank you for the update. Hang in and hang on.


    I think that sadly we are being overtaken by events. His Mum called a short while ago (6.30am her time) to say that the hospital had just called her. Rob’s Dad has started vomiting blood and they have asked his Mum to come to the hospital ‘for a consultation’. I think hospitals only call you in at that time of the morning when someone is dying, so we are looking at when Rob will fly over there. His brother was already planning to go before this happened.

    If this is where we are, I’m glad that he’s had this year living normally and only 3 weeks ago was able to drive himself 180 miles for his stent procedure and was cutting wood only the weekend before he went into hospital

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