Internal bleeding, is this related?

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    Ali. I don’t want to sound like a nag but 2 years ago I had rectal bleeding due to Colitis and they did an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy at the same time. I believe it is more important to find the bleed than to wait, wait for what? To get worse. It Is so difficult to try and know what is going on when one is so far away. Hoping for the best.


    Lainy, he’s passing blood with his stools. They just seemed to want to stabilise him first, but my partner will call them again tomorrow. I’ll try and push him to ask for more information.

    We had a nice day out today at a Botanic Gardens in Argyle that my Mum would have loved. She died last year, so it was good to do a nice thing today.


    Dear Ali, how do they know if he has a bleed when they cannot get in to see it? Makes no sense to me that if someone is bleeding you don’t go in to take a peek but instead let them keep bleeding for days??? I have never heard of that. They are either very inept or misinformation is happening which is not good. I would call the hospital and ask why they are not doing something.

    So sorry about your Mom but try thinking of all the good memories. When Teddy’s date comes up I think about the good memories he gave me and I celebrate I would never have those if I had not had him in my life even for a short time.


    Thanks Gavin….not a great way for you to spend your hols.
    As far as we know he didn’t have any other symptoms and he was chopping wood a few days before this happened(!)
    He’s still got the bleeding and they still aren’t putting a camera down as they want things to be more stable first, which seems to make sense.
    At this distance it’s difficult and it’s a case of trying to work out if my partner should be jumping on a plane or not. His brothers are in Queensland and California and it’s a 4 hour flight for the Queensland one who is closest, but the least likely to go. We wait and see…..and I’ve just persuaded my partner to ring the hospital rather than just rely on what his Mum tells us (which is what his Dad tells her)

    It’s the anniversary of my Mum’s death today, so this isn’t really all very good timing.


    Hi Alison,

    I agree with Lainy in that it is not possible for us to say anything as to whether this is related to the cancer or not based on what you know just now. It could well indeed be a stomach ulcer and I had one of these a few years ago. Do you know if your partners dad has had any bouts of cramping in the abdomen or in his sides? I had them and they were very sore to say the least and that and the bleeding led me to the hospital where they did the camera down the throat which showed an ulcer.

    Ruined my holiday too as I was in Blackpool and 3 days in the hospital there was most definitely NOT on my agenda! You will learn more when they have a look and please let us know what they find.




    Thanks Lainy, I guess that I knew that really….we don’t know what other meds he might one as they don’t tell us. More phone calls tomorrow and I’m going to persuade my partner to call the hospital direct x


    Hi Alison, I think they will know more when they look “in to the area”. It really could mean most anything including ulcers. Unfortunately I think you all will have to wait until they do the test. I don’t know if he is on other Meds but they can cause a bleed as well. Waiting is the worst part! Please let us know what is found out and hoping for the best!


    I’ve posted before in the Introductions section, but I thought maybe I should start a new post.

    My partner’s Dad (86) in Australia has been doing very well since diagnosis. He’s had stents fitter, isn’t having chemo, apart from an infection in a stent(s) a few weeks ago which meant he needed a hospital admission, things have been OK.
    On Thursday evening he had a large bleed and was taken into hospital where he had a transfusion. They are due to put a camera down and see what is happening, but this hasn’t happened yet. My partner’s Mum says she doesn’t think that it’s related to his tumour, but I’m not sure if she’s been told this. She’s stuck at home 50 miles from the hospital and we’re 9000 miles away, so information isn’t easy.

    I was wondering if this might be related to his tumour?

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