Internal drainage options.

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    Tori….has your Mom had a blood test?


    Dear Tori,
    My husband has stage 4 CC and just last 2wks ago have 2 stents placed to open up his bile duct to help drain bile from his liver to his small intestines and he never have fever at all, as a matter of fact it help rid of his jaundice. You need to let your doctor know about the fever it sounds like an infection of some sort. I hope this helps. Goodluck and take care….


    Dear Tmote6, welcome to our wonderful family. Normally fevers go along with infections usually in the stents. These infections can be diagnosed with blood work. Not sure about the tube from the liver to the stomch but I do know more members will be along soon to help you out. Wishing your Mom best of luck and please let us know how she is doing.


    My mother was diagnosed about a year ago. She has Klatskins Tumor which is non-resectable. She has had internal/external biliary drainage tube pretty much the whole time since diagnosed. For the past 2 months she has had undiagnosable fever. My thought is infection is come from having the internal/external drainage tube. Stints are not an option for her but I think I recall one of the first Interventional Radiologists telling us of a tube that could go directly from the liver into the small intestines? For drainage. Please let me know if anyone else has heard of this.


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