Intraductal Cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intraductal Cholangiocarcinoma

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  • #26784

    Hi Susan….I cannot recall anyone (on this board) describing this less usual form of Cholangiocarcinoma. Where is your Mom being treated, presently? Seems as if this one generally has great outcome so I am hoping for this to be the case for your Mom. also. If possible, I would still contact other major cancer centers familiar with bile duct cancer. I would assume for those centers with high volumes of CC patients most likely will have knowledge in re: to this particular type of CC. Please, stay in touch.
    Best wishes coming your way.


    Hello. We are awaiting tests results to come back for my mother. There has been some talk about “intraductal cholangiocarcinoma”. No tumors or masses are seen, but there are cancer cells on the inside of her bile ducts and the ducts are dialated and “irregular” in appearance. Does anyone have any information about this? Do any of you know of some places that might specialize in this type of cholangiocarcinoma?
    Thanks so much.

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