Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

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    Hi Jilly,

    Welcome to the site. And thank you for sharing your story with us all. Wow, that really is quite some story that you have there! Thank you once again for sharing it here with us all. I hope for your success to continue and I am looking forward to hearing more from you. Please stay in touch and let us all know how things go for you.

    Best wishes,



    Jilly…what an impressive story you have shared with us. I am in awe of the fantastic results achieved.
    Please, continue to stay with us. Good news keeps us going.
    All my best wishes,


    Wow, Jilly, that is an amazing story. I’m certain that our bodies have the power to heal itself if we will just give it a chance. Keep up the great work and attitude.


    Welcome to Glenys and Jilly — we’re a friendly bunch here. You’ll find a wealth of information. And a ton of support.



    Hi Jilly, That is quite a story and I am wishing for you to have continued success. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.



    Thanks for the post.
    God bless


    I was diagnosed in 1st week in September 2011. I was very jaundiced and tired, sleeping 3-4 hrs during the day.

    I was admitted to hospital and had an external drain into a bag to see if liver was producing enough bile, it was!! Resection Surgery was out of the question. My left liver lobe was shrunken to nothing, just like a very dried up piece of meat, right hand side was damaged and bile duct blocked with tumour. I am not a transplant candidate, surgery was a 10-20% chance of survival which was not enough for me to even consider. I was offered a titanium stent which would be placed in the bile duct and attached into my duodenum. I opted for this as it would give me the chance to research other alternatives. Also was offered chemo, which I was told was only token chemo??? I refused, didn’t want to damage my body anymore.

    When in the first week of hospitalisation I put myself on to a Hep A diet no fats no dairy & very little bread, lots of vegies and fresh fruit. My surgeon said to me “you can eat anything you want don’t put yourself through this diet it won’t make any difference to the outcome.” My liver blood pathology said Bilirubin (bile) was 485, should be 8-15, iron level 1377, so on it goes everything was extremely elevated. I had blood tests almost every day in the 3 weeks in hospital. The first day I asked my dr for a copy of the results, She said, your liver stats will not come down. I have copies of every blood test that was done and they all have been consistently coming down. My Bile count came down 200 points in the first week after the stent operation. The Dr told me, you will never get it down under a 100. The last day in hospital it was 55. It is now 11.
    In between all this I researched naturopath’s in the city area, I was so blessed to find this wonderful dedicated man called Wayne Reilly. He had been a research scientist for the government doing cancer research for 20 years and what he doesn’t know about cancer and the blood is not worth knowing. He turned to Natural Medicine 10 yrs ago.
    I take a regime vitamins and minerals. Also AVEMAR a supplement that boosts the immune system and has cancer killing properties. My diet consists of salads, vegies, fruit, small amounts of protein, dandelion tea, seeds & nuts, 3 litres of water a day.
    After the three weeks in hospital I was allowed to leave. My last visit to the Dr was in a wheelchair as I couldn’t walk far YET!! The dr took one look at me told me to get my affairs in order and to get some Palliative care. I think she thought I was going to die very soon.
    I came home the 2nd week in October. My Gp (dr) looks after my bloods giving me 3 weekly tests all of my liver enzymes are within normal range, iron level has gone from 1377 to 310, bile is 11, of the two cancer markers one is within normal range and the other has dropped from 750 to 467 in 3 weeks.
    I am back to normal walking, swimming, enjoying life.

    Cheers Jill


    Hi Byron, I just want to say good luck next week on your PET results! It would be awesome if you and Glenys could meet like Grover and Cindy did! Can you imagine if all over the world at least 2 of our Peeps in each city could meet? WOW!



    Welcome. I just live down the road in Hooper. I was diagnosed with intrahepatic CC in August this year. My is inoperable for the time being anyway. Have been doing chemo, with my last treatment last evening. Next week they will do a pet scan to see what has changed. Hoping for the best. I’m being treated at Huntsman. I hoping and praying for some good news…………….for both of us. Keep the faith.


    Hi Glenys,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined, as you will get tons of support and help from everyone here. From what you have said, it sounds like you have a great positive attitude and an even better family behind you! And I so love your attitude towards humour, you are so right about it having it’s healing powers and we could all do with as much laughter in our lives as possible!

    Please let us know how your biopsy goes and also know that we are all here for you.

    My best wishes to you,




    Welcome aboard, it sounds like you have had a fairly good quality of life for the 3 years and that is something to be grateful for and your attitude will certainly help you face whatever is to come.

    You might consider posting your holistic methods in the Alternative Treatments section of the board.



    Glenys..I would like to follow Lainy and Pam and welcome you to our site. Laughter truly is good medicine – it helps us through the rough patches and triggers the release of endorphins.
    Someone once said that the biggest benefit of laughter is that it is free and has no known negative side effects.
    Please keep us posted on the results of the bibopsy.
    All my best wishes


    Dear Glenys,

    Welcome to our family. I am sorry to hear that your cancer has returned. My daughter, Lauren, also has intrahepatic CC. She is only 25. She is on chemo right now. She has countless people praying for her too. I always envision God
    up in heaven receiving prayers for Lauren and saying “This must be one special kid. So many people are sending prayers for her.” We also believe laughter to be one of the best medicines. We do our fair share of crying, but we spend a lot of time laughing. I hope your doctor can come up with a treatment plan for you. At our house, we call a biopsy a bop-to-the-bopsy, so I see we are on the same page. Take care and best wishes to you.



    Hello Glenys and welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people the world over. First of all Congratulations on your 3 years and your Surgery. Hey, 66 is not old as I am a few ahead of you but I can agree with you that Grandchildren are the best RX!!! You have a winning attitude and that will get you everywhere. Keep up the good work and much good luck on your ‘bibopsy’ reports. Please keep us posted as we truly care!


    Hello, my name is Glenys and I was diagnosed with Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma three years ago last month. I underwent surgery on Nov. 19 and began 5Fu chemo and radiation in December. After the 5Fu I was supposed to start another round of chemo (Gemzar) that is likely spelled wrong.. lol. After one dose I was sent to ER and chose to discontinue chemo. It is now 3 years later and they tell me the cancer has returned. I just had a liver biopsy or bibopsy as my son calls it, and am awaiting the results.
    One day at a time I have done well. A positive attitude, enjoying my children and grandchildren have been essential. I am also using some holistic approaches that seem to benefit me but truly believe that the greatest help is from hundreds of people who keep me in their prayers and do not identify me as a victim. They just keep accepting me. That is such a blessing. I am 66 years old and still going. I do tired easily but blame that on these golden years. lol My prayers are with you all and please remember the healing power of laughter!
    Love and light!

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