Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Diagnosis

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Diagnosis

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    Thanks, Marions, Devoncat and Gavin for your responses. Will definitely stick around for all the info possible!


    Hi Viv,

    Welcome to the site. I hope you will stick around and ask any and all questions that you will have regarding all of this and I’m sure someone will be able to help you. I’m sure that your friend will be given more information reagarding possible treatment in the coming days.

    My best wishes to you and your friend.



    Welcome to the site. We all try to help each other as much as possible and are very supportive of one another. This is a terrible cancer, but we are a very knowledgble group..oftern more than the doctors themselves!

    That said, I am sorry, I am not quite following your post. Could you be talking about metasties?



    Hello Viv and welcome to our site. I am so sorry to hear about your frind’s diagnoses.
    The way I understand it is that about 12 % of all adenocarcinomas are a cancer of the type of mucinous adenocarcinomas. I interpret from you post that it is suspected that the tumor originated in the lining of either, pancreas or, the bile duct and has then metastasized to the liver, which is quite common. I assume that your friend or someone close to her will have several specialists evaluate her reports and scans in order to determine possible treatment options available to her.
    I am sending all my best wishes,


    My dear friend just recently received the subject diagnosis.
    The more difinitive diagnosis being “adenocarcinoma with mucinous features
    moderately differentiated. The tumor is morphologically most compatible with
    a pancreatobiliary or upper gastrointestinal tract origin” What do these
    “other peritoneal tumors have to do with the liver? Confused terribly on this
    and looking for some answers!! No treatment plan in place yet. I was told 6 months to a year. want to get the most info on this as possible as soon as possible. Please help!!

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