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  • #14840

    Dear Isaac-

    Sorry to hear you have CC. Dandkris is correct. Xeloda, while expensive, is cheap compared to Avastin which I will start on later this month. My oncologist told me that he was surprised that my insurance company approved Avastin as it costs tens of thousdands of dollars.

    I have been on Xeloda since late June. It does cause some muscle aches for me, diarrhea sometimes, but mostly hand-foot syndrome where my feet swell up, get tender, and peel. I started on 3300 mg per day, but now I take 1650 daily. Usually I go for four days and have to stop for three days because of the hand-foot syndrome.

    I have also had Gemzar infused, but my oncologist and I think the Xeloda is really the thing that is helping. My tumors in my liver have stabilized, although I do have cancer in my left hip bone now.

    Good luck, Isaac. I have a blog which you can access from the general info page of this site.

    -Caroline Stoufer


    Welcome. My husband who is 42 was diagnosed with CC in November 05. I think a good percentage of people on this site have tried Xeloda at one what time or another. Unfortunately, it’s not new to us. And, compared to the other drugs, it’s quite economical. Correct me if I’m wrong gang, but I think Avastin is between $30,000 and $40,000/treatment. Xeloda is about $2,000 for 2 weeks of pills. Xeloda is a great place to start. Some people have had great success with it, and I hope you will be one of them. I’m glad you found this amazing site with so much support and information!!


    Hello everyone,

    I was diagnosed with CC after being undergoing catscan for gallbladder problems. My bile duct was plugged due to a cancerous tumor. I underwent a whipple procedure at houston Methodist Hosp. The Surgery went fine and I recovered well. When I went in for chemo and radiation just for insurance, five weeks after surgery the cancer had mets to my liver. I started chemo ten days ago taking Xeloda (3500mg) orally.
    I have had no side effects yet. I was wondering if anyone here is on Xeloda. I understand its relatively new, and it is expensive.

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