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  • #50627

    Thank you all for your prompt and generous hospitality. I feel like I have contacted a group of very sincere and helpful people. I feel truly welcome and am really grateful for your caring thoughts, support and ideas. I will keep you posted of my June 3 appointment with my oncologist and any other developments. Again, thank you for your support.


    Hi Dario,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I am glad that you have joined us here as you will get a load of support and help from everyone. So please feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will all do what we can to help in answering them. You sure have been through an awful lot lately. I can’t really add anything much to what Lainy and Marion have already said to you, but I wanted to stop by and welcome you here.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Dario….Hello and a warm welcome from my also. Dario, we have seen on this site, for tumor markers to elevate due to infections. There is a good chance for your markers to continue to stay within the normal range following your continuous treatment of antibiotics. If that is the case, is your oncologist still recommending another type of chemotherapy? As Lainy has mentioned, another opinion might be in order following the upcoming appointment on June 3rd. I am hoping for others to chime in and share their thoughts with you also.
    I am happy that you have joined us and am crossing my fingers for a continuous great response to the antibiotics.
    All my best wishes,


    You have had a rough time but it also sounds like there is no new cancer! I am in Phoenix and if you ever need a second opinion, Mayo Clinic here in Scottsdale is up and coming on the CC front. The infections seem to go hand in hand with CC. My husband would run temps of 103o and have the chills so bad and that was the signal to run him to ER. They usually used Levaquin RX and it really worked quickly. June 3rd is not far off and I wish you good luck but keep in mind you always have options. Did you ask your ONC if he has had much experience with CC? One more thing, I also have United Insurance and I also have a different rare cancer. I need PET Scans every 6 months and in their infinite wisdom they always say no, then my ONC writes/talks to them and they OK it. Good luck on everything. :):)


    Hi Lainy,
    I am being treated in Tucson at Arizona Oncology by Dr. Manuel Modiano. I had a PETScan prior to starting chemo in Sep. 2010. I cannot undergo MRIs due to having a pacemaker/defib. The oncologist ordered a second PETScan on Feb. 7, 2011. United Health Care denied the PETScan but authorized a CTScan. The scan did not reveal anything suspicious.
    On Mar. 28 the oncologist indicated the blood draw results from the previous visit on Mar. 7 showed the elevated cancer marker and recommended additional chemo. I indicated I wanted to evaluate my options. I returned on May 2 and the doctor indicated the cancer marker had returned to the safe range but scheduled a CTScan, which I had on May 6. I had an appt. with the oncologist on May 9 to get the results of the scan. However, I developed a fever on May 6 for 3 days and consulted with Modiano on May 9, who ordered me to be hospitalized. The CTScan showed a liver abcsess. I was put on Zosyn and a JP drain was placed to rain the fluid. I was discharged on May 18 with a Picc line and antibiotic, plus a month of augmentin following the final IV. I am scheduled to see my oncologist on June 3.


    Dear Dario, welcome to our wonderful family. Wow, you have really been through the mill. I believe at this point my best suggestion would be to gather your test information and etc. and perhaps look for a 2nd opinion. We are big believers in 2nd and more opinions. They have proven to be very beneficial from our members. Where are you being treated? Beside the high markers what else is going on? Have you had a PET Scan or MRI to determine if there is in fact new cancer? Is your Oncologist well versed in CC? Please let us know a little more if you can. You have come to the right place!


    Hi, I was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in June, 2010 and underwent surgery to remove the gall bladder, 1/3 of the mid-liver and 2 ciliac lymph nodes. The bile duct was reconstructed and attached to the intestine. I have undergone 8 chemo treatments between Sept. 2010 and Jan. 2011 with IV Oxaliplatin and Xeloda tablets. The treatment was extremely difficult with side effects includung high fevers, dizziness, weakness, extreme anemia requiring transfusions, fatigue, two liver abscesses, and extremely low glucose. Fortunately, I didn’t have nausea nor diahrrea. After 9 weeks from my last Xeloda treatment my oncologist says the cancer marker is high we’re discussing alternative treatments. I would appreciate any input from anyone on effective treatments that might help. Thanks

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