Intro Donna

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intro Donna

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    Hi Dvacation,
    As everyone says welcome to the family. It’s good there here that you have been approved for treatment and I wish you luck with it.
    Keep us posted.



    Hi Dvacation,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined us all as you’re in the best place for support and help and you’ll get loads of each from everyone here. The search forum function at the top of the page will throw up a lot of discussions on the treatment that you are going to have that have been posted by the members here. I have no personal experiences to share on that treatment but I know that others will do with you.

    I hope that it goes well and please keep coming back here and let us know how everything goes.Please feel free to ask any questions and we’ll do our best to help you. You are not alone in this, we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hi dvacation

    I had sirt almost 30 days ago and have scans scheduled for mid June to determine if it worked or not….I have tumors on one lobe and have had mixed response on folforinox. I was diagnosed in October 2013, 42 years old. They saw a mass by my pancreas in january but the last pet showed nothing lighting up by the pancreas at all.

    the procedure itself was long but not painful or anything. I was mostly sore from being in one position for so long….

    I did have some minor pain/discomfort that night and next day – I guess inflammation of the liver and organs. But the pain meds took care of it easily and I only used them for a few days..I was tired for a few weeks, some nausea but otherwise I have had a good experience. Really hoping it works!! I started back on chemo last week and while I did have some reduction in chemo side effects from having a short break prior to y90- this first chemo post y-90 did take me longer to recover from…today has been a week and I’m feeling much better and stronger…best of luck – if I can be of any help please email me at


    Welcome to this wonderful and caring group. I have a friend who is an expert on Y90 if you have any questions. She was treated successfully over 10 years ago!! I will be praying for your procedure.


    davacation…..I am happy to see you joining in. Good luck with your treatment. We have numerous reports from those treated with Sirtex, (Yttrium-90, Y-90) radioembolization or selective internal radiation therapy and I hope that some will come forward and share their experience with us.


    Welcome Dvacation to the best place to be for CC. So sorry to hear your news however, good that you will be receiving SIRTEX and please keep us posted. BTW I LOVE the Laguna area! Beautiful! It is perfectly normal to be excited and scared at the same time. Wishing you the very best and you are not alone, you now have an extremely large CC family who all care.


    I was diagnosed in November with intrahepatic cancer stage 4. I have been on chemo with Cisplatin and gymstar. Cisplatin is so harsh!

    In February my Oncologist referred me to the Sirtex program at UCI. It took me this long to jump through all of the hoops. Two weeks ago I had the work up. I had no idea how tough that procedure would be! Anyway I now have been approved and scheduled for the Sirtex treatment on May 27. I am excited and scared. my liver has many tumors on both lobes. The plan is to give me the injections twice. So anxious and very greatful this is available.

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