Intro from 28 year old in Greater New York area

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intro from 28 year old in Greater New York area

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    Joe….not the news any of us wanted to hear. Know that we are rooting for you and that a tidal wave of good wishes is heading your way.


    Thanks for your update.
    I know, as a patient myself, this is not a journey we want to venture into.
    And I know , most of us have to fight until the end with or without a miracle.
    With my heart, I sincerely hope for the best possible outcome for you.
    Joe, may the Grace of Jesus Christ, extends His hands to heal you as
    He extends His On me.
    God bless.


    Joe, I am so sorry to read about your update! Here is hoping the new drugs work a few miracles, we do have them you know. Just a matter of hitting on the right chemo cocktail. We are all wishing the best for you and look forward to your updates when you can. I am sending you all the best vibes, prayers and thoughts I can!


    PCL: Unfortunately, it was not the best update and I have immediately been taken off the CIS and GEM to try a new path of treatment .The new drugs that I had for my first time are Flourouracil, Oxaliplatin, Leucovorin Calcium and Irinotecan.

    THe cancer is now evident in the right femur, both lobes of the liver, the lung, the rib, and the spine.

    Thanks for checking in and i’ll do my best to keep updating everyone.



    Hi, Joe,
    Hope everything is ok with you on your last CT scan result; just to say hi ,
    Keep in touch,
    God bless.


    Thanks for everyone’s kind response. I will be sure to keep you posted with updates.

    PCL: the chemo that I have been on to date is Cis and Gem and yes the tumor met to the left femur.

    There hasn’t been many recent updates on my blog but please feel free to check back from time to time for updates. Thanks again, all. Joe


    Welcome Joe. Sorry you had reason to find us but the people on this board are amazing. I will start following your blog.

    Best of luck to you.


    Welcome Joe,
    You have found an amazing group of people on this board; so full of love, support and great information.


    Welcome Joe I started reading your blog,and will continue,hope all goes well with your scans’my husband was diagnosed Aug 11th with a distal tumor in his lower bile duct’im very grateful for this site and all the help and support all these wonderful people have to offer. Lynn


    Hi Joe and a big welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to join us!
    It sounds like you have everything in good control and SK is one of the best places you can be. I really liked your blog especially that little guy who “thinks” you are his master! Could you tell us a little more about your Diagnosis? I will be wishing for you to have good Scan results and now that you have introduced yourself properly keep us updated on your progress as we truly care!


    Joe….i would like to follow the others and welcome you to our site. I am glad that you have found us. Indeed we are a small community, but we are together in the fight against this disease. I love your blog and especially the pictures of Yosemite. We should compare – some of mine look very similar.


    I am so glad you joined this group, Joe. There are so many amazing people. You will never feel alone and someone will always have an answer to any question and everyone is so willing to give support. I am the Pam from Pam and Lauren that wrote to you last week after you commented on my blog. Bless you and I will be praying for great scan results.



    Joe, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. The good part about finding us, is there is a lot of love, companionship and info here.
    I am a CC survivor, 3 years and 3 months!! I have an amazing story to share, full of HOPE, please read it on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan).
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Welcome to this site.Thanks for Cathy’s e mail, I have found out that your chlangiocarcinoma mets to the bone of your left leg.May I ask what chemotherapy you used .Base on the CT scan on your blog,the intrahepatic tumor looks more than just one big one.
    anyway,if you have questions in the future,welcome to ask us anytime; I am not a doctor ;I am just like you, a patient of this disease for 39 months.And as always, there are other people can be of help to you too.
    God bless.


    Hi All,  

    I have been following this blog for a few months and wanted to take this opportunity to properly introduce myself.

    I’m a 28 year old from the CT/ NYC area who has been diagnosed with intrahepatic CC this past June. More information about my diagnosis can be found on my blog at As you can see from the blog, I have an incredible support network, especially my mom, sister Lis, and Sarah who have been instrumental in navigating through these unchartered waters.

    I have a CT scan scheduled with my Connecticut oncology team later this week to check progress after my six chemo sessions.  My doctors plan on keeping me on this same treatment plan for the foreseeable future. 

    I feel extremely comfortable with my team of doctors (oncologists, surgeons, radiologist, etc.) at both Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, (MSKCC) and St. Vincent’s Hospital/Swim Cancer Center. 

    I wanted to reach out and have some open communication in case anyone had any questions or insight. It certainly is a small world of intrahepatic CC patients, especially in my age group!

    Good wishes to everyone battling cancer out there!

    Joe Garassino

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