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    Dear Beverly, 2nd opinions are the best thing you can do. We are big believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions. I don’t think I have ever heard of finding CC in this way but then CC is a strange fellow! Stenting Mom right away for Jaundice is good. Sometimes the yellow takes a little time to fade away, think of it as the skin getting a dye job. Glad you are researching things as knowledge is the best tool to fight CC with and you want to be sure she is at a Hospital experienced in treating CC. Also make use of our Search button at the top and if you type in a word or two many posts will appear on that subject. Please keep us informed of how she progresses as we truly care.


    My mom had liver tests done in June as part of her Wellness exam and everything was fine and then 1 month later she became jaundice. Based on the scans and blood work, the doctor said it was klatskin’s tumors. The doctors tried to do an Endoscopy but ran into an ulcer and weren’t able to finish and the next biopsy came back negative. However, 2 doctors on her team are very confident that she has this disease. She recently had tubes put in to open her bile ducts and her jaundice is slowly getting better.
    Since the results for the cancer have not been confirmed the doctors are recommending the following options:

    1. try to clear up the ulcer with antibiotics and try another endoscopy
    2. try to another biopsy when they re-do the tube
    3. proceed with radiation and chemo to shrink the mass – even though they are not sure if it cancerous

    My mom is based in Hawaii and I am in the Bay area. I was thinking of talking to Stanford but I just saw something on this fabulous website that USSF might be a better option.


    Hi Bgomez,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear about your mum, but glad that you joined in with us all as you are in the best place for support and help and will get a load of both from everyone here. Please can you tell us a little more about what has happened so far if you can.

    If we can help we will so please, keep on coming back here and know that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Hello, Bgomez, and welcome to our site. Has your Mom’s diagnoses been confirmed by a center treating a high volume of Cholangiocarcinoma patients? Being that you are in the Bay Area, you may want to consider UCSF for a second, professional opinion.


    Welcome Bgomez to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Can you tell us a little more.
    Where is she being treated?
    What is the Diagnosis/Prognosis?
    What Stage is she and do they have a suggested treatment.
    Below is a site you may find helpful and looking forward to hearing more so we may help you.


    My 75 year old mother recently diagnosed and we are trying to figure out next steps.

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