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    Welcome to the site Justamom…though I have no answer for that question. It looks like others were able to help though…that is the beauty of this site…we all share and help each other.

    Please let us know how it goes for your son



    Hi Justamom,

    Welcome to the site. I am very sorry to hear about your son, as Mary says, he is so young and I am sorry that you had to find us all. I can’t help you with your question regarding maitake mushrooms, but I just wanted to stop by and welcome you here. If you use the search function at the top of the page you might find other posts regarding maitake mushrooms from our members.

    I hope that you will keep coming back here as you will get so much support from us all here. And please feel free to ask a ton of questions and we will all help if we can. I will keep my fingers crossed for the best possible outcome for your son with his gem/cis combo.

    My best wishes to you and your son,



    My mother is taking Maitake Gold 404 liquid extract from Mushroomscience. They recommend a dose of 1mg/kg/day. She weighs about 50 kg so she is taking 50 mg in two divided doses (morning and evening). She also takes coriolus versicolor capsules (3 capsules 3 times a day). With only surgery treatment (2.5 months ago), she seems to be recovering well so far.

    Best wishes to you and your son.



    Hi Justamom,
    I’m so sorry about your son. He is so young to have this disease. I give my husband maitake mushrooms and have since his diagnosis 4 years ago.I give him Grifon Maitake D-Fraction, 4 capsules a day. I believe they said three per day on the bottle but Tom is a pretty big guy too, around 240 so I felt maybe he needed a little extra. He’s done very well for years now so I feel all of the supplements I give him help. I hope your son has success with his chemo. Please feel free to ask questions and come here for support. There are a lot of wonderful, knowledgeable people here. Best wishes, Mary


    My 23 year old son was diagnosed with cc and is on his second round of chemo.- Cisplatin and gemcitabine. I’ve heard about maitake mushrooms used in conjuction with these drugs with good result. Can anyone tell me what the standard dose would be for a young man weighing 245 lbs?
    Thank you so much!

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