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    Hi Ramdev, I’m so glad you found this site. It and the people on it have given us a ton of help and encouragement. I wish I could help you more with the specific questions about your wife. My husband, age 52 diagnosed in 5/07. Charlie underwent 14 wks of Gemzar last summer, didn’t shrink tumors, but kept them from growing…always a good thing. He had liver resection at UNC Hospital in 11/07 (about 60% of his liver removed). Charlie wasn’t a candidate for transplant (turned down at many places). So we never went the transplant route. Keep fighting and stay strong, keep asking questions.



    I am following Kris in welcoming you to the board. Until others have the opportunity to respond to your questions you might want to use the “Search” function on top of the page. By entering for example: Liver transplant” you will be able to peruse many postings, or type in any other phrase or words in order to read up on the discussions of others on this board. And keep asking your questions as there are many wonderful people with varied experiences all ready to share their acquired knowledge with you.
    So glad for you to have joined us.


    I am sorry for your wifes diagnosis but it is good news that that the cancer is not growing or spreading. I too may get on the transplant list and I am scared and unsure of things.
    Have you tried getting second opinion about surgery? Some people here have been turned down by 5 or 6 doctors before finding one that will do it. I know absolutely nothing about either procedure or the criteria one must meet for them, but some people on the board have had chemoembolation, and radio frequencies used. Many people have had good success with radiation. My doctor explained that raidation makes the liver swell, you need stents in place before radiation and that it can be tricky in the liver. It is very difficult to radiate the liver (not impossible), so doctors often dont do it.

    Someone who is far FAR more knowledgable than me will come along and give you more and better answers.



    My wife was diagonized with CC 17 months ago and has 2 PTC drains inserted in her Liver. Due to the proximity to the Portal vein resection has been ruled out. She was on Chemo for 8 cycles (Gem+Cap) but has not effect on the size of the tumor.
    The latest scan taken last week also indicates no increase in size and no spread.
    The only option doctor’s say is Liver transplant.
    My wife is pretty active and managing day to day activity without any trouble. But if she were to sign in for the transplant protocal she would be given very heavy doses of Chemo and radiation and her physical condition would worsen drastically.
    I would like to hear from you all as to what other options are available.

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