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  • #31957

    Hi Caroline,

    So sorry to hear about your brother in law. I know how you feel, I am a nurse and whilst my Dad was undergoing surgery and tests etc my Mum looked to me to interpret medical speak and jargon. However, I also felt it could be a hindrance as well, at times I just wanted to be his daughter not the ‘professional’ if that makes sense?

    Wishing you all strength as you take this journey together,



    Hi Caroline,
    I will go ahead and add my welcome and third Marion and Ashley suggestion of another opinion. Great minds think alike!

    We are a wonderful and warm group and you will not find a more knowlegable and supportive site. You might find that eventually you will know more than the doctors! If you have specific questions, go ahead and ask and usually someone will know the answer or offer advice. The search function is also a good resource.



    Caroline….Welcome to our site. I agree with Ashley in that a second or third opinion is mandatory when being confronted with this cancer. You would want to make sure to gather all medical records including, blood test results, CT scans, doctor’s reports, etc., and forward all to a physician with a high volume of Cholangiocarcinoma patients. The top bar of our web page will lead you to major cancer centers. Please, continue to reach out to the kind members of this board. This cancer is complex and demands much information gathering.
    Best wishes coming your way,


    Hi Caroline
    Welcome, and sorry to hear about your brother in law. I’m sure you will find lots of answers to any questions you have – there are plenty of folks on this board ready to help.

    I’m just wondering if your brother in law has gotten a second opinion? Has he been told his CC is not resectable ( and why)? Or is there talk of possible resection after treatment? What type of tumor does he have
    (Klatskin/distal area) and it is contained at this point? I think the most important thing is to make sure you are at a hospital with doctors very familiar with this and if not push the second opinion.

    Please provide us with more information so we can try to help you. there are numerous chemo treatments for this cancer – my mother just finished two weeks of 5-FU with radiation. There may also be clinical trials you can look into

    Hope to hear back from you.
    Niantic, CT


    Hello My name is Caroline, my brother-in-law has been recently diagnosised with cholangio carcinoma. I am a RN, and live with my sister and brother-in-law. Athouth not his primary care giver I am going to be the next closest person. Also right now I am serving as interpertuer for them. Tranlating the medical jargon to more easy to understand english. I was made Eddie’s health care proxy also. This is all new to me, I work in an ER, and have very little Oncology experience. In fact the only experience I had was with my mom, who had breast cancer anlong with a host of other medical problems. She never had to have chemo. In Eddie’s case his only chance is going to be chemo and radiation. Since he was diagnosed in late August it has been an emotional rllor caster. Right now we are trying to get his Bili levels down so he can begin treatment. We live on Long Island and he is recieving treatment in the city at NYU. I’m looking for any info I can get to help my sisiter and brother-in-law in this journey of unknown. I visited this web site when /Eddie was first diagnosed and got alot of info. I hoping to get anything that will help me help them. Thank you, Caroline

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