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  • #65162

    Darla…a big, warm, welcome to our site; I am glad that you have found us.
    Darla, liver transplantations for this disease are performed at numerous centers throughout the U.S. and several of our members have undergone this procedure with success.
    This particular link may be of interest to you:

    and this:

    and this:

    Also, I am quite sure that our Cathy will be around real soon and share her remarkeable story with you.

    Again, I am thrilled that you have found us.



    Dear Darla, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to join us. It sounds like you have things well under control and a good attitude to push it along. Barnes Jewish Hospital in STL is one of the best and I know that our Cathy will be along to second that motion! May we ask how old you are and we are a curious bunch here so would like to know what chemo you are on. You never know when what you are doing will helpo someone else. You are no longer a newbie, now you are family and have come to the right place for advise, caring and a whole lot of love. Looking forward to hearing more about you and please do keep us updated as we truly care.


    Hello, my name is Darla and I was just recently diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma stage 4. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments two weeks out of the month. My tumor is right inside my liver and it is 9.5 cm. in size. I found this website when I was researching the cancer, and am very excited to be part of the discussion boards.

    I was referred to the Barnes Noble Jewish Hospital out of St. Louis Missouri. and found out that they have a 80%- 90% success rate for liver transplant. I know that is the only true word for cure for my cancer.

    I look very forward to discussing with everyone on this website. If anyone has any advice for me it would be greatly appreciated, because I am a newbie and very uncertain as to what to expect with this cancer.
    Thank you so much for your time.


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