
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Introduction

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  • #88840

    Hi Scott, I answered your other post.


    Hello to all. I was diagnosed with CC in early March of this year and am now about 2/3 of the way through chemo which will end in late July. The treatment is Cisplatin and Gemzar with the hope of shrinking a 10×8.5 cm tumor to a resectable size. My 1st scan showed significant shrinkage and I will have another in mid-August followed by a 3rd meeting with my surgeon. If more shrinkage is desired it will be via targeted therapy. So I am lucky so far but who knows! I’d like to find out anyone’s experience with targeted therapy and certainly will offer my support to anyone curious about my treatment and its side effects. I can also tell everyone that before I was definitively diagnosed I went through 8 months of nausea, fatigue, and weight loss before having an abdominal CT scan which showed the tumor. papawadsicle

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