
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Introduction

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  • #88971

    Kathi, Welcome to the CC Foundation and as a CC patient, I am very excited when people like you come on board to stir up the pot and generate interest and $$ for CC Research and hope that increased awareness also generates genuine support for patients and caregivers. As a CC patient, it’s good to hear that the CC Foundatin has someone who is eager and ready to work for the answer to the cause and the cure.

    Thank you and again…welcome.
    Julie T


    Hi Kathy!

    Glad to have you aboard and so looking forward to working with you as well! And thanks for coming on here and introducing yourself to everyone too! I so know that you will get a ton of replies and can’t wait to hear all about your ideas and everything!

    Things are getting very busy now arn’t they!! :)



    Hello, Kathi and welcome ABOARD as we sure can use someone like you!!! You will find the most awesome people associated with CC whether a patient care give or Board Member! Any question just ask away and thank you for introducing yourself to all of us. Best of luck to you!


    Hello all! I am new to the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, I just started last week as the organization’s first full-time Director of Development. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, either virtually or personally in the near future. I telecommute and work from my home in the Chicago area, if anyone is interested in networking locally. I will be working on raising more funding for research and patient services by supporting volunteer events, seeking grants and sponsorships, and continuing to expand our marketing and public awareness activities. Thanks in advance for your support!

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