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    WOW!, Holly you are a Miracle in itself and CONGRATULATIONS as Surgery is one of our favorite words. We welcome you to our site and our remarkable family which is also the best place to be for CC support. Thank G-d for your OBGYN as his intervention took you to the right channels! Your treatment plan sounds good and is usually the treatment when there are no METs. Below is a site you may find helpful. Speaking of helpful can you go in to your posts and delete 3 of them? Everything posted 4 times and I don’t want it getting lost and it is best to have one post of a kind so everyone can keep a thread going on that subject. We have something in common as my Sister lives in Summerlein. Continued success and now that you have warmed up here please keep us posted on your progress as we truly care.


    Hello everyone. My name is Holly, I am 32 yrs. old, I live in Las Vegas, NV. with my husband, and I was diagnosed with CC in April 2015. Like many of you my family and I were completely floored and devastated when we heard the word Cancer and it seemed to get worse as we found out more about this rare type. But I quickly shifted my attitude from fearful and doubtful to optimistic and determined- I handed it over to God.
    My OBgyn had been following an ovarian cyst that I had that was causing me pain. These cysts were nothing new to me, I’ve had them since I was 23 and I have had several surgeries to remove them. In the past we would keep an eye on the cysts via ultrasound and if they got bigger we would take them out. This time the doctor decided to order an abdominal/pelvic CT to get a better look ( which I had never had a dr do that before). The scan showed my cyst, and it appeared to be normal, but since it was getter my bigger not smaller it was recommended to remove. It also showed a 5cm, abnormal, tumor on my liver. Next came an MRI and a needle biopsy of the liver tumor. The biopsy showed no malignancy. I was referred to a GYN oncologist to remove my cyst and to check out the liver while he was in there. He took another biopsy during surgery and it was confirmed cancerous. But it was not clear on what kind, was is liver primary? Was is from somewhere else? Meanwhile I did some consultations with surgeons and I decided to go with a specialist at City of Hope in CA. After a PET and a third opinion in my pathology my doc was pretty certain it was CC. He said from what he could see from the scans a resection was possible but he warned that he did see something suspicious that looked like it may have spread to the abdominal wall. He said if that is the case that he would not be able to do surgery. I would have to attack it with chemo and radiation. Lots of prayers and meetings with our church later I had my surgery. He went in with cameras first to take pathology of the suspicious spots he saw (There were 8 to 10). He came out and told my family it’s not looking good, he thinks it’s spread, but he will send to path and let us know if the resection was possible. My family immediately started reading healing sciptures that I carried with me. They declared life and healing over me and asked God to intervene. The doctor came back about a hour later with a huge smile on his face. He said none of it was cancer and that he can go after the liver. So he removed the tumor (8cm), 60% of my liver and my gallbladder. I was in hospital for seven days, I returned to work 8 weeks later. Recovery wasn’t a walkin the park but I think my age helped. I still feel odd pains and twinges. I saw a physical therapist, which I highly recommend, to help break up and stretch out some of the scar tissue. I returned 10 days after surgery for my first post op. He said my pathology report was good. No node involvement, clear margins, stage 1. He said no additional treatment was necessary. He consulted with a medical oncologist to see if he recommended chemo and he agreed, no. I also saw an Integrative Oncologist/ Radiologist and he agreed with no further treatment as well. I have to see my oncologist every 3 months for the next two years for scans and blood work. So far everything has been very good. I’m so thankful for the support of my husband, family and church through this. And I’m very excited to have found you all here. Remember everyone nothing is impossible with God! No one is immune from the diseases of this world, but have no doubts that He wants you healed and healthy again.

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