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    Dear Melissa,

    Welcome- I’m so sorry you’re here, but so glad you found us. This is a horrible disease, but even in the past few years we have seen so many more options and success stories (my Mom is alive and kicking 2 years past her prognosis with hopefully many more years to go). I’m looking forward to your husband adding to our good news stories.

    Let us know how it goes next week- we are here for you.

    Best wishes,


    Dear Melissa, Welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Truly sorry to read about the diagnosis of your Husband and that you had to join our elite group. We know when one hears the word Cholangiocarcinoma it is a whole lot to take in at one time. Kind of like getting hit with a bat! Here are a few items that may help you get through the first leg of the CC journey.

    Knowledge is the most important tool at this point to begin the fight. When you have a chance, read some of our Members posts or if you have a question you can use our Search Engine at the top of the page. Type in a word or 2 and many posts will appear on that subject.

    Make sure that the Oncologist you choose along with the Hospital for treatment, are very experienced with Cholangiocarcinoma. Dana Farber is a good place to start.

    Do not be shy about getting 2, even 3 or 4 opinions. This is a very rare Cancer and no Doctor will mind you wanting more opinions. Keep a folder of all test and LAB results.

    Here is a site you may find helpful:

    Please do keep us updated on hubby’s progress as we truly care and best of luck next week!


    My name is Melissa and my husband was diagnosed a week ago. We don’t have too many details yet. He was in the hospital two times in the past month with what they believed was a gallbladder attack the first time and then the second time he was jaundice so that is when they started looking further. They say the cancer has at least spread to his liver at this point. We are meeting with the doctors at Dana-Farber in Boston next week and hope to have more answers. This really just came out of nowhere and has been a hard adjustment so far. I know we are in for a fight and my husband seems to want to fight and do anything he can to beat this. I pray that he can. I have found this website to be very informative so far and am happy to have a place to come for other experiences.

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